Фифа 19 фут драфт
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4) Вы можете пропустить анимацию открытия пака
Draft Mode or FUT Draft is a competition mode in FUT 19 which gives you a series of four matches that can be played offline or online. To enter a FUT Draft competition you need to either spend 15,000 coins / 300 FIFA points or unlock it with a FUT Draft Token.
FUT Draft mode is available under Single Player and Online tabs in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team. A FUT Draft entry (offline or online) costs 15k coins or 300 FIFA points, you can also unlock it if you have a FUT Draft token.
After the entry, you will be asked to choose your game difficulty and your squad’s formation by choosing between five different formations. After choosing your formation, your first player decision is to select a Captain from a set of five superstars. Then, you need to fill out the rest of your 23-man squad by picking players for each position from a random draw of five players.
Finally, you will need to choose your manager from a random selection of five managers. The formation, players and manager you pick will remain as your default selections throughout the series of matches. Your squad will have Team Chemistry and Team Rating which will affect your gameplay on the pitch. Your team’s kits, ball and stadiums will be your last selected ones in FUT.
A FUT Draft competition series contains four knockout matches to play. You need a win to qualify to the next match, which means a loss will eliminate your team out of the series. The higher you go, the more stronger opponent you will face and the higher you finish in the competition, the bigger the rewards will be.
As you progress throughout the competition, you will earn better rewards. FUT Draft rewards are including packs, coins and Draft Mode Token. Winning four matches in a row will earn the best rewards possible. Even if you lose your first match you will still receive a reward. Online Draft Mode has reportedly better rewards in compare to Single Player Draft Mode. Here is a list of possible you could get by playing a FUT Draft competition.
Before entering a Single Player Draft mode competition, you need to choose your game difficulty which will determine your competition prizes, the higher difficulty you choose, the better rewards you will earn at the end of the competition. Your game difficulty selection in Draft Single Player mode cannot be changed throughout the series of matches and it can fluctuate slightly for each match. Below is the list of difficulty selection including its difficulty breakdown information.
Difficulty Attacking Intelligence Reaction Speed Marking and Space
Beginner | 10% | 20% | 15% |
Amateur | 20% | 40% | 30% |
Semi-Pro | 40% | 50% | 50% |
Professional | 50% | 70% | 60% |
World Class | 75% | 80% | 80% |
Legendary | 90% | 90% | 90% |
Ultimate | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Here are the frequently asked questions about the FUT Draft Mode in FIFA. If your questions are not answered here, you can ask it using the comment form given below this post:
As a competition mode in FIFA Ultimate Team, FUT Draft mode allows to build a squad for your club from the scratch with a random set of high quality players which you may not already have their cards in your club. Draft mode gives you an opportunity to experience building a high quality squad while you can learn about the team & players chemistry, formation settings and in general, forming a good team in FUT. Technically, Draft mode is a test drive for you to see how which players from which leagues and nationality you can go for to form a FUT squad. In FUT Draft mode, you don’t spend coins/points to get player cards – except for the competition entry, this will help you to draft out a team in action and improve your knowledge of how to fit the players in a team, as well as how to improve your gameplay with that team while you are achieving prizes and earning coins.
Everyone who has a FUT Club is eligible to enter the Draft mode by either purchasing it for 15,000 coins / 300 points, or redeeming a FUT Draft mode using a Draft Token found in packs.
No. You are only able to use the players and managers which are given to you by the system in FUT Draft mode.
No. The formation you choose before finalising your squad will be your primary formation and you will not be able to have a secondary one.
No. Draft Tokens are only to redeem and can not be traded in the Transfer Market.
You may find a FUT Draft Token in FUT packs only depending on your luck.
If you are playing FUT Draft Single Player mode, the teams you will be playing against are real clubs from FIFA 19 teams controlled by CPU. In FUT Draft Online mode, you will be facing the other FUT Draft mode players who are connected to EA online servers.
Disconnections in Draft mode matches will follow the same DFN rules as FIFA 19‘s.
No. The players you’re receiving in FUT Draft mode are only available in the Draft mode and they won’t go to your Club, which means you won’t own them.
Packs, coins and FUT Draft Token.
As many times as you pay for the FUT Draft entry.
Packs, coins and FUT Draft Token. Here are the frequently asked questions about the FUT Draft Mode in FIFA. If your questions are not answered here, you can ask it using the comment form given below this post:
The FUT Draft game mode has become increasingly popular within FIFA Ultimate Team. In this guide we cover the complete list of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards.
A FIFA Draft offers users a great chance of earning huge prizes, as well as the opportunity to try some of the game's top rated players.
The FUT Draft game mode is essentially a mini tournament, where users are presented with a number of formations to choose from.
After selecting a preferred formation, users are then required to fill a 23-man squad via the method of player picks. These player picks are completely random and consist of a choice of five players for each position/slot within your Draft squad.
The objective of a FIFA Ultimate Team Draft is to win as many games as possible, four being the maximum achievable amount.
The more you win, the better your FUT Draft rewards. These rewards can consist of a combination of FIFA packs, coins, as well as free tokens for future entries. Rewards vary within each win bracket, with many possible combinations on offer.
There are two types of FUT Drafts within FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, an Online Draft and an Offline Single Player Draft. The price of admission for each of these is 15,000 FUT Coins, or 300 FIFA Points.
This may seem expensive to some, but the value of your rewards will generally exceed the cost of entry, even if you are eliminated after only one match.
Team building skills and understanding FIFA Chemistry are a fundamental aspect of the FIFA 19 FUT Draft mode.
Sometimes choosing a lower rated player in order to increase your team chemistry can be a shrewd move, helping your FIFA 19 Draft team to perform better as a whole. The skill of squad building really is half the battle in this game mode!
Ok, so now we know what the FIFA Draft mode is all about, but what are the rewards for each win bracket, and how are they calculated?
These are great questions, but there aren’t exactly definitive answers to either of these. In fact, the trend seems to be that the more you win, the more combinations of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards there are…
More: See the full list of FUT Champions Rewards for FIFA 19 Weekend League!
Before we list the current known possible combinations of FUT Draft rewards for FIFA 19, it is important to note that it is commonly believed throughout the FUT community that an Online Draft offers better prizes.
The list below will remain live throughout FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, meaning that it will be updated whenever a new combination of rewards is discovered.
- 1× Ultimate Loan Player Pack + 2× Gold Packs 1× Silver Pack + 2× Gold Packs 3× Gold Packs 1× Draft Token Pack 2× Gold Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Silver Pack
- 1× Jumbo Gold Pack + 2× Gold Packs 1× Premium Silver Pack + 2× Gold Packs 1× Silver Pack + 1× Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Pack 1× Gold Pack + 1× Draft Token Pack 1× Gold Pack + 2× Premium Gold Packs 1× Premium Silver Pack + 2× Jumbo Premium Gold Packs 2× Gold Packs + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack
- 1× Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 2× Gold Packs + 2× Premium Gold Packs 1× Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack
- 3× Premium Gold Packs 2× Premium Gold Packs + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 2× Jumbo Premium Gold Packs 2× Premium Gold Packs + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 1× Gold Pack + 2× Premium Gold Players Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack 1× Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack 1× 50k Rare Players Pack 2× Premium Gold Players Packs
- 1× Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack 2× Jumbo Premium Gold Packs + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 2× Rare Gold Packs 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Packs + 25,000 coins 1× Premium Gold Players Pack + 1× Mega Pack 2× Gold Packs + 2× Premium Gold Players Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack + 30,000 coins 1× Gold Pack + 2× Mega Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack + 2× Mega Packs 3× Premium Gold Players Packs 1× Premium Gold Pack + 2× Mega Packs 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack + 45,000 coins 1× Rare Gold Packs + 1× Premium Gold Players Packs + 1× Mega Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Mega Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 2× Rare Players Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Packs + 45,000 coins 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× 100k Jumbo Rare Players Pack 1× Mega Pack + 1× 100k Jumbo Rare Players Pack
Have you earned a combination of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards not mentioned in the above list? If so, please feel free to get in touch with us via Twitter. If you can show us your rewards via a screenshot or photo, then that would be great!
We'd also love to hear your thoughts on the FIFA 19 Draft mode in general, and whether or not this is your preferred way of playing FIFA Ultimate Team.
Ok, so now we know what the FIFA Draft mode is all about, but what are the rewards for each win bracket, and how are they calculated? The FUT Draft game mode has become increasingly popular within FIFA Ultimate Team. In this guide we cover the complete list of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards.
Do you want to know what you can earn in FIFA 19 Draft for both online and single player modes? Especially for you, we have compiled on a single page all the FUT Draft rewards for FIFA 19 Ultimate Team you can win.
✅ Confirmed | ❌ To Be Confirmed | 🆕 New Reward
How the FUT Draft rewards work on FIFA 19 Ultimate Team?
In FUT Draft, the FUT game mode introduced in FIFA 16, you have to pay a 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA Points fee for each time you play it. However, you always receive a reward. If you want to know which prize you will get, keep reading.
Players have so many questions about the FUT Draft rewards but hopefully we are here to clarify the most controversial topics:
1 Every time you start a new campaign you need to pay 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA Points;
2 The more wins you get, the better are the rewards;
3 You only receive your rewards when you end the campaign;
4 The cards you pull from rewards Are tradeable;
5 Online mode has Better rewards than single player mode;
6 The single player rewards are Not affected by the game difficulty;
7 Game difficulty only affects the coins you receive at the end of each match.
What you can win when playing FUT Draft online
0 Wins
When you lose the first match
🎴 1 x 2.5k Silver Pack
🎴 2 x 5k Gold Packs
Total value: 12.5k ✅
1 Win
When you win the first match and lose the second one
2 Wins
When you win the first two matches and lose the third one
3 Wins
When you win the first three matches and lose the last one
Do you want to know what you can earn in FIFA 19 Draft for both online and single player modes? Especially for you, we have compiled on a single page all the FUT Draft rewards for FIFA 19 Ultimate Team you can win. 🎴 1 x 2.5k Silver Pack
🎴 2 x 5k Gold Packs
Total value: 12.5k ✅ Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.
FIFA 19 Draft Rewards for online & offline in Ultimate Team - Fut 19 Draft Mode
Fut 19 is loved by many people around the world. When you play it, there are many game mode for you to choose, and you can get some Fut rewards from competitions. In this FIFA 19 guide, I’ll introduce you FIFA 19 Draft Mode and some Fut Draft Rewards for Online & Single Player you can get. If you are interested, welcome to follow FIFA news of upfifacoins. com.
Fut 19 Draft Mode in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team
FIFA 19 Fut Draft is an unique game mode within FIFA 19 Ultimate Team. To enter FIFA 19 Draft Mode, you need a draft token. Then you can build a team by choosing a player for each position of five random players. Draft your squad and challenge your opponents in a series of up-to-four matches. You can obtain big FIFA 19 Draft Rewards for your club. And also, you need to pay 15,000 FIFA 19 coins or 300 FIFA points to enter this FIFA 19 game mode. A Draft can be played offline and online against other players.
FIFA 19 Draft Rewards in Fut
Many new players will start FIFA 19 with drafts to earn some FIFA 19 items. Then what can you earn in FIFA 19 Draft for both online and offline mode? Winning four matches in a row will earn the best rewards possible, including FIFA 19 packs, Fut 19 coins and FIFA 19 Draft Mode Token. The more wins you get, the better, the better the rewards you can get. Just as FIFA 19 Division Rivals and Rewards .
It is discussed in FIFA 19 Reddit that Fut 19 Draft Rewards online are better than offline rewards. Then let’s take a look at this guide for you about what you can get by playing FUT Draft competitions.
Fut 19 Single Player Draft Rewards in Ultimate Team
Total Value: 5K to 15K coins.
1 x Silver Pack, 2 x Gold Packs
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
2 x Gold Packs, 1 x Jumbo Premium Silver Pack
Total value: 15K to 17.5K coins.
1 x Premium Silver Pack, 2 x Gold Packs
2 x Gold Packs, 1 x Premium Gold Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Draft Token
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Premium Gold Player Pack
Total value: 13.75K to 22.5K coins.
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Gold Player Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold 26 Pack
1 x Gold Player Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
1 x Draft Token, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
2 x Premium Gold Packs, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Premium Gold Player Pack
Total value: 20K to 35K coins. There may also be rewards up to 50k coins total.
Fut 19 Draft Rewards for Online in Utimate Team
1 x Ultimate Loan Player Pack, 2 x Gold Packs
1 x Silver Pack, 2 x Gold Packs
2 x Gold Packs, 1 x Jumbo Premium Silver Pack
Total value: 10K - 17.5K coins
1 x Jumbo Gold Pack, 2 x Gold Packs
1 x Premium Silver Pack, 2 x Gold Packs
1 x Silver Pack, 1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Premium Gold Pack
1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Draft Token Pack
1 x Gold Pack, 2 x Premium Gold Packs
1 x Premium Silver Pack, 2 x 1Jumbo Premium Gold Packs
2 x Gold Packs, 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack
Total value:10K - 35K coins
1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
2 x Gold Packs, 2 x Premium Gold Packs
1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Rare Players Pack
Total value:20K - 40K coins
3 x Premium Gold Packs, 2 x Premium Gold Players Packs
2 x Premium Gold Packs, 1x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
2 x Jumbo Premium Gold Packs
2 x Premium Gold Packs, 1x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
1 x Gold Pack, 2 x Premium Gold Player Packs
1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1x Premium Gold Player Pack
1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1x Rare Gold Pack
2 x Premium Gold Player Packs
Total value: 22.5k to 50k coins.
1 x Gold Pack, 1 x Rare Player Pack
2 x Jumbo Premium Gold Packs, 2 x Premium Gold Player Packs
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 2 x Rare Gold Packs
1 x Premium Gold Player Pack, 1 x Mega Pack
2 x Gold Packs, 2 x Premium Gold Player Packs
1 x Gold Pack, 2 x Mega Packs
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Rare Player Pack, 2 x Mega Packs
3 x Premium Gold Player Packs
1 x Rare Gold Packs, 1 x Premium Gold Player Pack, 1 x Mega Pack
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Mega Pack, 1 x Rare Player Pack
1 x Premium Gold Pack, 2 x Rare Player Packs
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Rare Player Pack, 45,000 FIFA 19 coins
1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack, 1 x Jumbo Rare Player Pack
1 x Mega Pack, 1 x Jumbo Rare Player Pack
Total value: 55k to 135k coins.
So as we can know from the above information, online is the best way to get the best rewards. Thanks for your reading!
1 x Gold Pack, 2 x Mega Packs Total Value: 5K to 15K coins.
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