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Статистика ВК сообщества FIFA Mobile 19, фифа мобайл 19 в контакте

фифа мобайл 19 в контакте

Статистика ВК сообщества FIFA Mobile 19

Касильяс завершает карьеру из-за проблем с сердцем.

Давайте накидаем лайков, этому замечательному вратарю!

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports #CASILLAS

С Днём Победы!

С праздником подписчики!🤝🏻

Мы помним Ваши подвиги, дорогие наши отцы, деды, прадеды и спешим ещё раз сказать Вам спасибо за то, что вы сделали! Благодаря Вам, мы живем и никогда этого не забудем!🇷🇺🇺🇦🇧🇾🇰🇿🇬🇪🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹🇲🇩🇺🇿🇦🇲🇦🇿🇹🇯🇰🇬🇹🇲

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #9мая #Победа

Внимание не игнорируйте.

Футболист погиб от удара молнии во время матча в Бразилии, информирует Le Figaro.

Инцидент произошёл 25 апреля в городе, который расположен на границе с Аргентиной. Молния ударила в поле, на котором проходил матч, в результате чего футболист по имени Дэвид Альварес скончался

Кроме того, в результате происшествия ещё восемь футболистов получили травмы различной тяжести.

От админа : Просто почтим память этого футболиста, действительно это было в 2015 году.

Фиферы в ожидании ТОТС

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports

Криша посадили за тотальное избиение соперника

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports


С таким фартом, пора бежать закупаться лотерейными билетами!

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports

Конкурс «Угадай состав»!

Призы: первые 2 подписчика, которые угадают всех игроков в составе и выполнят все условия конкурса, получат по 50р на свой КиВи кошелек!


I. Быть подписчиком нашего сообщества vk. com/fifaplayer

II. Иметь не менее 50-и друзей на своей странице VK

III. Поставить лайк на конкурс «Угадай состав»

IV. Сделать репост конкурса к себе на страницу VK

V. От одно подписчика, принимается только один ответ

VI. Прислать ответ строго в формате имен/фамилий игроков на англ. языке, как это указано в самой карточки, можно без позиций.













#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports #УгадайСостав

Команда сезона уже близко для консольной версии! #TOTS

Состав, выбранный сообществом, будет доступен в #FUT 10 мая, но сначала нужно проголосовать за игроков!

С этого момента и по 6 мая заходите на futwiz. com или futhead. com, чтобы выбрать игроков в команду из более чем 100 кандидатов, каждый из которых провел отличный сезон, но при этом не попал ни в одну из команд недели.

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports #tots

Сегодня в группе выйдет очень крутой способ заработка монет - https://vk. com/goldfifafi

Подписывайся и получай много монет каждый день.

Советуем подписаться на топ группу по ФИФЕ МОБАЙЛ - https://vk. com/fifa2up

Тут ты увидишь: реальные розыгрыши, полезную и свежую информацию с фифы мобайл/футбола!

Подписался на нас? Спасибо, бро.

Победителем конкурса «Угадай состав» становятся:

Чингис Цыренов https://vk. com/id197155701

Единственный участник из всех, кто не только отгадал состав, но и выполнил все условия конкурса! С чем мы его и поздравляем!

1. Ruffier ВРТ

2. Manolas ЦЗ

3. Acerbi ЦЗ

4. Barzagli ЦЗ

5. Firpo ЛП

6. Goretzka ЦП

7. Draxler ЦП

8. Dani Alves ПП

9. Blanco ЦАП

10. Mandžukić НАП

11. Piatek НАП

Удивительно, что столько подписчиков запутались в ЦЗ Ювентуса и вместо Barzagli, писали Bonucci или Chiellini!

#FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports #УгадайСостав

Команда сезона уже близко для консольной версии! #TOTS #FifaMobile #Fifa19 #FifaPlayer #Football #EASports



1. Любая реклама сторонних сайтов, блогов, форумов, пабликов, страниц, бесед и каналов.

БАН: навсегда

2. Любые предложения по продажам монет, фифа поинтов, аккаунтов, лайков и чего-то другого.

Показать полностью…

БАН: навсегда

3. Любые комментарии на взрослые или запрещенные темы.

БАН: навсегда

4. Любое оскорбление участников сообщества и администрации по национальному, религиозному, возрастному или любому другому признаку.

БАН: от 1 недели до навсегда

5. Любой флуд – постоянно дублирующийся комментарий не по теме.

БАН: от 1 дня до 1 недели

6. Любое попрошайничество денег, аккаунтов, монет и чего бы-то не было.

БАН: от 1 дня до 1 недели

7. Любое общение в группе не на русском языке.

БАН: от 1 дня до 1 недели

8. Любые посты и комментарии, которые вводят в заблуждения подписчиков и администрацию.

БАН: от 1 недели до навсегда

9. Любые дублирующиеся посты в предлагаемых новостях. Повторять один и тот же пост можно не раньше чем через 24 часа.

БАН: от 1 дня до навсегда

10. Любой призыв подписчиков, к каким-либо действиям, которые противоречат законодательству РФ и любым другим этическим и моральным нормам.

БАН: навсегда

11. Личные сообщения администрации паблика не по теме.

БАН: от 1 дня до навсегда

12. Личные сообщения участникам паблика с угрозами, оскорблениями, коммерческими предложениями.

БАН: от недели до навсегда


Все посты проходят модерацию, перед тем как попасть на стену паблика. Ежедневное кол-во постов ограничено, поэтому администрацией выбираются наиболее интересные и разнообразные посты для публикации. Чтобы участникам паблика, было наиболее интересно.

Для того, чтобы Ваши посты чаще попадали на стену паблика, необходимо знать:

1. Составы

- Чем выше рейтинг Вашего состава, тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

- Чем интереснее Ваш состав (состав имеет эксклюзивные редкие карточки или представляет из себя команду одного клуба итд) , тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

- Чем больше интересного текста Вы пишите в комментарии к составу, добавляете интересный опрос итд, тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

2. Вопросы

Чем грамотнее и развернуто, Вы задаете свой вопрос, тем больше вероятность, что его опубликуют.


Чем красивее и интереснее оформлен Ваш пост, тем больше вероятность, что его опубликуют.

4. Информация

Если Вы, хотите поделиться действительно полезной и нужной информацией для игроков по игре, а главное сделать это не в двух словах, а более полно, тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

5. Фотографии/Арты

Посты без фотографий/артов не публикуются вообще.

Другими словами, делайте более качественные посты и они всегда будут попадать на стену паблика. Но, в любом случае, всегда помните, что в нашем паблике, есть много тем и альбомов, в которых нет модерации и вы свободно, можете добавлять туда Свои комментарии.

Помните, что незнания правил, не освобождает Вас от ответственности.

У Вас нет времени читать правила, у нас нет времени снимать с Вас бан.


Все посты проходят модерацию, перед тем как попасть на стену паблика. Ежедневное кол-во постов ограничено, поэтому администрацией выбираются наиболее интересные и разнообразные посты для публикации. Чтобы участникам паблика, было наиболее интересно.

Для того, чтобы Ваши посты чаще попадали на стену паблика, необходимо знать:

1. Составы

- Чем выше рейтинг Вашего состава, тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

- Чем интереснее Ваш состав (состав имеет эксклюзивные редкие карточки или представляет из себя команду одного клуба итд) , тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

- Чем больше интересного текста Вы пишите в комментарии к составу, добавляете интересный опрос итд, тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

2. Вопросы

Чем грамотнее и развернуто, Вы задаете свой вопрос, тем больше вероятность, что его опубликуют.


Чем красивее и интереснее оформлен Ваш пост, тем больше вероятность, что его опубликуют.

4. Информация

Если Вы, хотите поделиться действительно полезной и нужной информацией для игроков по игре, а главное сделать это не в двух словах, а более полно, тем больше вероятность, что пост опубликуют.

5. Фотографии/Арты

Посты без фотографий/артов не публикуются вообще.

Другими словами, делайте более качественные посты и они всегда будут попадать на стену паблика. Но, в любом случае, всегда помните, что в нашем паблике, есть много тем и альбомов, в которых нет модерации и вы свободно, можете добавлять туда Свои комментарии. ПРАВИЛА ПАБЛИКА FIFA PLAYER


1. Любая реклама сторонних сайтов, блогов, форумов, пабликов, страниц, бесед и каналов.

БАН: навсегда

2. Любые предложения по продажам монет, фифа поинтов, аккаунтов, лайков и чего-то другого.

Показать полностью…

БАН: навсегда

3. Любые комментарии на взрослые или запрещенные темы.

БАН: навсегда

4. Любое оскорбление участников сообщества и администрации по национальному, религиозному, возрастному или любому другому признаку.

БАН: от 1 недели до навсегда

5. Любой флуд – постоянно дублирующийся комментарий не по теме.

БАН: от 1 дня до 1 недели

6. Любое попрошайничество денег, аккаунтов, монет и чего бы-то не было.

БАН: от 1 дня до 1 недели

7. Любое общение в группе не на русском языке.

БАН: от 1 дня до 1 недели

8. Любые посты и комментарии, которые вводят в заблуждения подписчиков и администрацию.

БАН: от 1 недели до навсегда

9. Любые дублирующиеся посты в предлагаемых новостях. Повторять один и тот же пост можно не раньше чем через 24 часа.

БАН: от 1 дня до навсегда

10. Любой призыв подписчиков, к каким-либо действиям, которые противоречат законодательству РФ и любым другим этическим и моральным нормам.

БАН: навсегда

11. Личные сообщения администрации паблика не по теме.

БАН: от 1 дня до навсегда

12. Личные сообщения участникам паблика с угрозами, оскорблениями, коммерческими предложениями.

БАН: от недели до навсегда

Сообщение отредактировал FoReVeRSpb - 18.05.19, 16:13

07.11.18, 20:13


Куратор темы

Группа: Кураторы

Сообщений: 520

Регистрация: 21.08.16

OnePlus 5 6/64

Репутация: 490

Сделаю из этого поста F. A.Q. для НОВИЧКОВ.

До 25 декабря нужно регулярно заходить в раздел "Морозные подарки" события "Футбольный мороз" и обменивать золотые/элитные/мастерские подарки на "призы + бонусные подарки".

Бонусные подарки можно будет потратить 25 декабря. От автора:

Лучший состав АПЛ для тех кто не любит донатить

Схема 3-5-1-1

Игроки селекции: moses, dendoncker, smalling

Kepa(элитная карточка, не путать с карточкой из компании)

Золото: Sturridge, Gray

На скрине сыгранность 117, но по факту 120, на сайте нет игроков селекции.

Этот состав хорош тем, что у всех игроков обычные усиления, которые прокачиваются намного быстрее.

Сообщение отредактировал FoReVeRSpb - 18.05.19, 16:13 Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

From Now your favorite game is available on Android and iOS. Do not wait any longer, just download and install FIFA 19 Mobile on your smartphone!

Everything you need to know about FIFA 19 Andro > Mobile release of the most popular series of football games created by EA Mobile team. In comparison to the original version, the game has been adjusted to the mobile devices specifics, which resulted in some simplifications. FIFA 19 Mobile is a football skill game released on AND, iOS and WP platforms. It is free with micropayments model and was created by EA Mobile, being the part of Electronic Arts.

FIFA 19 Mobile game is a side brand release, simplified in a number of aspects in comparison to the popular series available on PCs and consoles. It is a game of skill and enables the players to control single football players during the matches. But, the game wouldn't be complete without light managerial options, enabling to manage a team and set tactics. The production ensures a well-adjusted match speed so the games are realistic and dynamic, both for a single player and multiplayer game. The additional advantage is the use of official license thanks to which there are 30 leagues, 650 teams and more than 17000 football players in the game to choose from.

In comparison to the past releases, FIFA Mobile, launched for AND, iOS and WP, offers a lot of changes. One of them is adding the Attack Mode, enabling to play short, lasting less than two minutes games. The players set up the tactics for the teams, and then take over the control during the attacks only. Everything else is cut off and happening in the background, which allows to concentrate on scoring goals only. Moreover, there are regular events, which are linked to actual news in the football world. Mostly, they are in a form of mini-games, and they are rewarded with various gifts.

Social elements has been stressed as well. Players can set up their own leagues, parallel to вЂ˜gildis’ in MMO games. Within them, the player groups add to their success and compete with other teams in online rank lists. Also, the Ultimate Team mode known from previous series returns, within which we'll create a dream team. The authors have created a new system for team building and simplified the team management.

Why should you use the app prov > A few things can be listed in this instance; the most important are the following:

    Optimization and compatibility

First thing that makes us stand out is the access to FIFA 19 Android and ios. You can play the game on any device with an updated operating system and if its specifics are sufficient to not cause system freeze. Obviously, the conversion from PC platform was quite difficult, but didn't impact the minimal game requirements in the end.

Thanks to a number of programming and coding hours, it was possible to compress the game, so it takes small space. It's also worth mentioning that FIFA 19 Mobile is a game of decent size. It is limited, which makes it easy to localize the game on a mobile phone.

Simplicity and effectiveness

One of the most important things is that, after clicking on download, you can access FIFA19 in several minutes, if not faster. This is because we made sure that the whole download process, and then the game installation was transparent, non-problematic and didn't require any broad knowledge from you. You are only one click вЂ˜on mirror’ away from enjoying the title.

To enjoy FIFA 19, you should:

    Click on of the FIFA 19 download links for a smartphone - click and download the app on your mobile. Remember to turn on the option to download files from sources other than Google Play Store or iTunes - so the FIFA19 download will not be disrupted. Install the game and launch it Full the procedure of verification by just complying with the steps that will certainly take place on your screen. Open FIFA 19 Mobile again and enjoy the game!

FIFA 19 Mobile is not the first and last mobile version of a well-known football series. In recent years Electronic Arts has been concentrating mostly on a popular Ultimate Team mode, on which a mobile release was based. In the end, it's been obvious that players want something more, and this is what we've got.

To enjoy FIFA 19, you should:
    Click on of the FIFA 19 download links for a smartphone - click and download the app on your mobile. Remember to turn on the option to download files from sources other than Google Play Store or iTunes - so the FIFA19 download will not be disrupted. Install the game and launch it Full the procedure of verification by just complying with the steps that will certainly take place on your screen. Open FIFA 19 Mobile again and enjoy the game!

Icons are a prestigious group of players who have made their mark in football history. Five new Icons will be available on the store every week.

How to get Icons in FIFA Mobile?

You can acquire them by using Icon points (from Icons Tournament) or buy them directly on the market. Luckily on this season, all of Icons players (except Prime Icons) are tradeable.

Here is the FIFA Mobile 19 Icons Players List :

Player Pos. OVR Skill Boosts Club League Nation Cost
Luís Figo RW 89 Acceleration Real Madrid LaLiga Santander Portugal 1,000
Marcel Desailly CB 88 Aggression AC Milan Serie A TIM France 700
Henrik Larsson ST 87 Shot Power Celtic Scottish Premiership Sweden 500
Jens Lehmann GK 86 Diving FC Schalke 04 Bundesliga Germany 400
Jari Litmanen CAM 85 Dribbling Ajax Eredivisie Finland 350
Ronaldinho CAM 93 Ball Control FC Barcelona LaLiga Santander Brazil 3,000
Ruud van Nistelrooy ST 90 Finishing Manchester United Premier League Netherlands 2,000
Marc Overmars LW 88 Speed Ajax Eredivisie Netherlands 700
Sol Campbell CB 87 Strength Arsenal Premier League England 500
Gennaro Gattuso CDM 86 Holding AC Milan Serie A TIM Italy 400
Pelé CF 95 Agility Icons Icons Brazil 4,000
Diego Maradona CAM 94 Dribbling Napoli Serie A TIM Argentina 3,500
Ronaldo ST 93 Attacking Real Madrid LaLiga Santander Brazil 3,000
Lev Yashin GK 89 Number 1 Icons Icons Russia 1,000
Paolo Maldini CB 88 Marking AC Milan Serie A TIM Italy 700
Eusébio ST 94 Attacking SL Benfica Liga NOS Portugal 3,500
Peter Schmeichel GK 92 Reflexes Manchester United Premier League Denmark 2,500
Hristo Stoichkov LW 90 Second Striker FC Barcelona LaLiga Santander Bulgaria 2,000
Emmanuel Petit CDM 88 Interceptions AS Monaco Ligue 1 France 700
Hidetoshi Nakata CAM 85 Long Shots AS Roma Serie A TIM Japan 350
Ruud Gullit CM 93 Vision AC Milan Serie A TIM Netherlands 3,000
Fabio Cannavaro CB 92 Holding Parma Serie A TIM Italy 2,500
Ryan Giggs LM 90 Ball Control Manchester United Premier League Wales 2,000
Javier Zanetti RB 89 Reactions Inter Milan Serie A TIM Argentina 1,000
Hernán Crespo ST 85 Agility Parma Serie A TIM Argentina 350
Dennis Bergkamp CF 93 Second Striker Arsenal Premier League Netherlands 3,000
Roberto Carlos LB 92 Holding Real Madrid LaLiga Santander Brazil 2,500
Patrick Vieira CM 91 Generalist Arsenal Premier League France 2,300
Miroslav Klose ST 89 Finishing SV Werder Bremen Bundesliga Germany 1,000
Rio Ferdinand CB 85 Defending Manchester United Premier League England 350
Johan Cruyff CAM 95 Captain Ajax Eredivisie Netherlands 4000
Alessandro Nesta CB 92 Tackling AC Milan Serie A TIM Italy 2500
Frank Lampard CM 90 Shooting Chelsea Premier League England 2000
Christian Vieri ST 87 Heading Inter Milan Serie A TIM Italy 500
Claude Makélélé CDM 85 Short Passing Chelsea Premier League France 350

You can redeem Icon Players on the store using Icon Points.

Here is the table of Icon Players costs based on their OVRs.

OVR Cost (Icon Point)
95 4,000
94 3,500
93 3,000
92 2,500
91 2,300
90 2,000
89 1,000
88 700
87 500
86 400
85 350

Prime Icon is the exclusive version of an Icon Player.

Here is the list of FIFA Mobile 19 Prime Icons (Season 3) :

Player Pos. OVR Skill Boosts Club League Nation
Lothar Matthäus CDM 99 Holding Bayern München Bundesliga Germany
Marco van Basten ST 99 Second Striker Ajax Eredivisie Netherlands
Johan Cruyff CAM 98 Counter Ajax Eredivisie Netherlands
Carles Puyol CB 98 Holding FC Barcelona LaLiga Santander Spain
Rivaldo LW 98 Second Striker FC Barcelona LaLiga Santander Brazil
George Best RW 98 Attacking Manchester United Premier League Northern Ireland
Edwin van der Sar GK 98 Number 1 Manchester United Premier League Netherlands
Javier Zanetti RB 98 Captain Inter Milan Serie A TIM Argentina
Thierry Henry ST 98 Second Striker Arsenal Premier League France
Andriy Shevchenko ST 97 Second Striker AC Milan Serie A TIM Ukraine
Roberto Carlos LB 97 Holding Real Madrid LaLiga Santander Brazil
Roy Keane CM 96 Captain Manchester United Premier League Republic of Ireland

As we already knew, the Icons on FIFA MOBILE 18 is almost exactly the same as Icons players list on FIFA 18 console version.

So, here is the list of confirmed New Icons (as well as Returning Icons) on FIFA 19, which most likely will appear on FIFA MOBILE 19.

Name Pos. OVR Nation
Roberto Baggio CAM / CAM / CF 93 / 91 / 89 Italy
Marco van Basten ST 93 / 91 / 89 Netherlands
Franco Baresi CB 93 / 91 / 88 Italy
Lothar Matthäus CM / CDM / CB 93 / 91 / 88 Germany
George Best RW 93 / 90 / 88 Northern Ireland
Thierry Henry ST / LW / LW 93 / 90 / 87 France
Rivaldo LW / CF / CAM 92 / 90 / 87 Brazil
Emilio Butragueno ST 92 / 90 / 87 Spain
Alessandro Del Piero CF 92 / 90 / 87 Italy
Carles Puyol CB / CB / RB 92 / 90 / 86 Spain
Gary Lineker ST 92 / 89 / 87 England
Bobby Moore CB 92 / 89 / 87 England
Raúl González CF 92 / 88 / 86 Spain
Paul Scholes CM 91 / 89 / 87 England
Socrates CAM 91 / 89 / 87 Brazil
Edwin van der Sar GK 91 / 89 / 87 Netherlands
Alan Shearer ST 91 / 89 / 87 England
Steven Gerrard CM / CM / CDM 91 / 89 / 86 England
Michael Ballack CM 91 / 89 / 86 Germany
Pavel Nedvěd LM 91 / 89 / 86 Czech Republic
David Trezeguet ST 91 / 89 / 86 France
Fernando Hierro CB 91 / 89 / 86 Spain
Gheorghe Hagi CAM 91 / 89 / 85 Romania
Laurent Blanc CB / CB / CAM 91 / 89 / 85 France
Michael Laudrup CAM / LW / CF 91 / 89 / 85 Denmark
Michael Owen ST 91 / 88 / 86 England
Patrick Kluivert ST 91 / 88 / 86 Netherlands
Andrij Shevchenko ST 91 / 88 / 86 Ukraine
Robert Pirés LM / LM / CAM 91 / 88 / 85 France
Clarence Seedorf CAM / CM / CM 91 / 88 / 85 Netherlands
Roy Keane CM 90 / 88 / 86 Republic Ireland
Juan Sebastian Veron CM 90 / 88 / 86 Argentina
Christian Vieri ST 90 / 88 / 86 Italy
Frank Rijkaard CDM / CB / CDM 90 / 88 / 86 Netherlands
Rui Costa CAM 90 / 88 / 85 Portugal
Gianfranco Zola CF 90 / 87 / 85 Italy
Jay-Jay Okocha CAM / RM / RM 90 / 87 / 85 Nigeria
Deco CM / CAM / CAM 90 / 87 / 85 Portugal
Filippo Inzaghi ST 90 / 87 / 85 Italy
Luis Hernández ST 90 / 87 / 85 Mexico

Filed Under: Pack, Players Tagged With: leaked

Hello as far as i know the current nigeria team there no elite player so how can get okacha i currently have a 91 squad

You can train the nigerian players needed for Okocha and improve your squad skill boosts.

Hello, when this tournament will be end? Any dateline?

This week is the last tournament. There’s no announcement for the next tournament.

Bro get gold upgrade to 80 and +6 boost

I used 75 Iheanacho 72 success

74 Moses

70 okaki

It cost me 600k

You can train the nigerian players needed for Okocha and improve your squad skill boosts. This week is the last tournament. There’s no announcement for the next tournament.

FIFA19 Custom Tactics Guide - The Custom Tactics Most Used by FIFA Pros, fifa 19 4231

fifa 19 4231

FIFA19 Custom Tactics Guide - The Custom Tactics Most Used by FIFA Pros

Every great manager throughout history has had a signature style to their coaching. From Sir Alex Ferguson to Pep Guardiola, all of them have evolved along with the game and made changes to their tactics as the game evolved.

If you want to commandeer your troops to victory in FUT 19 you have come to the right place. Today we will teach you how to get the best from your players in FUT 19. Making use of tactics you can choose whether you want to play highly defensive and hit on the counter-attack like Jose Mourinho, or if you want to monopolize possession and control the game through lots of passes in the midfield like Pep Guardiola. Maybe you would want to tweak these tactics to suit your own needs and establish your own identity on the virtual field.

Regardless of what playstyle you wish to use, you have come to the right place. After you finish this epic guide you will be an expert in tactics and instructions and it will help you take your game a step further. Tactics and instructions can turn an average player into a good player and a good player into an expert.

So you’ve spent a lot of time building your team? Spent hours over hours trading and played over 400 games in the WL only to pack Fellaini in your rewards. You still trade up and slog your way to an icon and a super team only to find out you are getting the same number of wins and results are not improving at all.

Then you must address on of the most ignored aspects in Team Management in FIFA.- Custom tactics. Custom Tactics will help you give your team an identity and dictate exactly how the play in certain situations. In decreasing order of their effectiveness you can use-

Custom Tactics Player Instructions Player Roles

Custom Tactics can be accessed in this way-

Ultimate Team >> Squads >> Active Squad >> Squad Actions >> Tactics.

You can make changes to your tactics in your FUT Hub, on the menu just before the match begins or even during a match. The game will always consider the most recent custom tactics.

Before we go on to explain what custom tactics do and how they work it would be important to note that you should try to make subtle changes to these so that they are tailored to fit you. Copying someone else’s Custom Tactics won’t always work because they may have a different approach to the game. Unless you are ready to radically change your playstyle along with their tactics, you are going to have a hard time adjusting to their tactics is it is best to use them as a guideline and slowly form your identity.

Another thing to note is that tactics are all about maintaining a fine balance between different aspects of the game. If you set up your team to constantly pressure the opposition you may dominate in the game but as the match goes on your players will lose stamina rapidly and you will be at the mercy of your opponent during the last 20 odd minutes of the match.

A new addition to FIFA 19 tactics was Dynamic Tactics. These include everything-Tactics and Instructions which can be made use of on the go without having to pause the game. You can predefine your offensive and defensive play styles before the match and change them during the match by using the D-pad. Dynamic Tactics can help you immensely whether you’re trying to steal a late winner from trying to defend a 1 goal lead.

In FIFA 19 tactics are divided into 2 subgroups

Defensive Depth Width Defensive Style

Offensive Style Width Players in the Box Corners Free Kicks

This is used to dictate how your defense sets up against the opponent. You can use this to change when you would like your defenders to pressure the opponent. Depending on your selection your players will force pressure. This value will determine if the players will sit deep and wait for the opponent to come before putting the pressure on them or will the players’ press as soon as the opponent enters your half. You can select a value between 1 to 10, where 1 is the deepest and 10 is the highest. An important point to note is that this does not determine how your players will press but when they will start applying the pressure.

To play a deep formation, select a value between 1 and 3. This causes the entire team to drop back deep and tries to maximise the number of bodies between the ball and the goal. This type of tactic invites a lot of pressure. The opponent is free to pass the ball around in your half. But, this formation has its benefits. Pacey Attackers are completely nullified as they cant get a run in behind your deep lying defenders. However this may lead you to be vulnerable to longs shots.

To play a medium depth formation, select a value between 4 and 7. This causes the entire team to maintain a constant shape and tries to ensure that you are not overworked in midfield. This type of tactic will start defending in the opponent’s half, close to the half line. This type of depth is useful when you have a good set of midfielders who will ensure that you can win the midfield battle and dictate the play for the course of the game. The players will defend in the opponent’s half but will not constantly defend throughout the length of the pitch.

To play a high formation, select a value between 8 and 10. This causes the entire team to try and win the ball as close the goal as possible and tries to ensure that you are not overworked in midfield. Your players will apply pressure throughout the length of the pitch. This is especially effective against teams that try to dominate the possession in a game. This comes with its own disadvantages. Naturally, as one would expect pushing your players high up the pitch will leave your team open to attacks through long through balls and balls played over the top of the defence into the feet of the pacey forwards. Your wide midfielders and fullbacks will push out wide and make it very difficult for your opponent to play from the back.

Most people think that this setting only affects the position of the dense and dictated where the pressure will be applied. This also will dictate the positions of the attackers. If you choose to play a deep formation your attackers too will be in your own half. This will not allow you to quickly counter attack and take advantage of the turn over in possession. Playing deep can be used to defend a narrow lead and simply stifle attacks by getting bodies behind the ball. However you should change your depth if you are chasing the game. We suggest that a value of anywhere from 4 to 6 should be used ideally to maintain a balance.

This is used to dictate how your defense sets up against the opponent. You can use this to change how you would like your defenders to position themselves. Depending on your selection your defenders will form a close compact unit or an expansive wide line to help deal with pacey outside forwards. You can select a value between 1 to 10, where 1 is the most compact and 10 is the widest.

    Narrow – To play a narrow defensive unit select a value between 1 and 3. Narrow defenses will make it hard for the opponent to break down through the middle and force them out wide which might reduce the attacks potency. This type of defense width is especially useful against narrow formations where the midfielders are used excessively. An example of this is 41212(2) where the onus is on the midfielders to create goals through the center of the field. Narrow width is very effective against narrow formation but is also very susceptible to any wide formations.

    Balanced – To play a balanced defensive unit select a value between 4 and 7.Normal defenses are neither too narrow nor too wide. These allow for some flexibility. You can also deal with narrow formations as well as cope with formations which make use of wide player. However you may be susceptible to attacks where your CB is left stranded on a one on one situation against the opponents’ attacker. This is because the fullbacks aren’t available for quick support. Balanced width is neither very effective against any particular formation but is also not very susceptible to any formation.

    Wide – To play a wide defensive unit, select a value between 8 and 10.Wide formations are built to deal with wide attacks involving fullbacks and wingers. They are not at all useful against narrow formations ad they are open to attacks down the middle. Because narrow formations with quick pass and move tactics are the norm in recent FIFAs the wide defensive line is not very popular. Many situations may arise where your opponent is one on one against your defender. These are not particularly useful and we do not suggest that yo use a excessively wide formation. However against a n opponent who clearly favours his wingers you should not be afraid to increase your team’s width.

Additional Tips - One should realize that this tactic focuses on how the players are positioned with respect to one another.

Narrow – Focus on the middle.

Wide – Focus on the flanks.

Anyone who has watched football can attest to the fact that mostly defending consists of staying as compact as possible and thereby directing the attack towards the flanks where they get nullified. The same goes for FIFA, you should make sure that nothing comes straight at you and try to ensure that all attacks are broken down. We highly recommend that you use a value between 2 and 4 so as to remain immune to most popular narrow formations. However in specific cases you could easily opt for a wider defense.

This is used to tune how you want your players to behave when trying to win the ball back. You can change how hard you want to tackle the opponent as well as how much pressure is applied on the player on the ball in order to win the ball back.

This is best used when you want to maintain your team’s shape when defending. However this comes at a high price, using this Tactic, you will allow your opponent to have the majority of the ball. Even when you win the ball it won’t be of much use because your attackers won’t be any dangerous positions. You can use this late in game if you are defending a narrow lead.

This is a very neutral tactic. Your Team will occupy the middle of the field and try to win he ball through normal pressure and interceptions. Not great when chasing a game because of the lack of urgency and aggression shown by the players.

    Pressure on Heavy Touch

As the name suggests, your players will apply pressure on the ball only when your opponent makes a mistake. It will make sure that you capitalize on any mistakes your opponent makes. This can be hit or miss depending on the caliber of your opponent. If your opponent has good players with a neat first touch and superior passing it can be difficult to get the ball off of him using this style.

    Press After Possession Loss

Using this tactic you can bring Prime Barcelona back to life in FIFA. Based upon Pep Guardiola’s revolutionary 6-second rule, your players will press aggressively when you lose the ball, trying to win the ball back immediately. When used correctly it can be very effective and can utterly destroy players who cannot handle the sudden pressure. However this will drastically affect the players’ positions and also cause them to lose stamina quickly.

    Constant Pressure

As the name suggests, your players will constantly try to win the ball back through aggressive pressuring. They, however will be pulled out of position and this will cause them to lose fatigue. It is advisable to use this tactic only when you high caliber cdms and other midfielders, because otherwise it will be an exercise in futility because later in the game you will be open to attacks wowing to lesser stamina in your players.

These styles control how often the AI will be affecting your players. If you trust your own abilities you can easily go ‘Drop Back’ when you are winning and simply crowd your opponent out. If you are on constant pressure, the AI will constantly try to aggressively tackle the opponent leaving spaces in behind that he can make use of. As we stated earlier it is all about finding a fine balance.

We suggest that when you are chasing the game only then you must resort to the aggressive pressure options, otherwise when you are in the lead using ‘Drop Back’ or balanced is a very viable option.

Just like your defensive tactics, you can also customize your team’s mentality going forward. You can tailor the team to suit your needs and be completely in sync with your players. You have a plethora of options to choose from and there is a correct fit for everybody, it is only a matter of finding it through experience. Nevertheless, we will guide you through the basics after which you should be comfortable enough to find out how you would like to set up your team.

Offensively, you will be able to customize 5 different aspects which are:

Offensive Style Width Players in the Box Corners Free Kicks

This is without the doubt one of the most important tactics that you can customise. Get this to tailor fit your needs and half your work is already done. If you have a lethal attack it becomes very easy to win games and quickly move up the ranks. You can change this to suit your playstyle. It dictats how your team transitions into attacks and the way it goes about. Your attacking options can vary from a possession styled attack that slowly breaks down the opponent. Or you could resort to hoofball relying on the physical attributes of your strikers.

This offensive style relies on the technical qualities of your players. The goal is too stifle the opponent and negate their efforts by simply having the ball. Your opponent can’t hurt you if they don’t have the ball at all. You rely on short safe passes and on the patient build up. This, however, can slow the game down and requires a lot of team to execute an attack. However if it suits your style you should go for it. Your midfielders should be good at passing and at controlling the ball because they will have to deal with a lot of passes.

This type of style is neither too fast nor too slow. The players will try to maintain the formation as much as possible. The AI will intelligently try to make decisions and forward runs. The build up is not excessively fast and is easy to handle. This is suitable for newer players who prefer to have some time to think about their next decision be it a pass or a run.However, we feel as you get better you should adapt to faster offensive play styles as it will keep your opponent guessing and you can take advantage of any mistakes he makes in his hesitation

This type of style heavily relies on your attacking players physical attributes rather than their technical abilities. Wingers and strikers with abundance of pace are best suited to this type of attacking. You can also use players with a physical presence as they are more likely to win one on one battles physical with strong defenders. You will need midfielders with good technical qualities to launch inch perfect balls to your wingers and forwards to spring on the counter attacks. Formations like 433 can be used with this tactic because they use the wingers in wide positions where they have the time and space to get behind and exploit the defenders on pace.

    Fast Build Up

This type of attack, unlike others relies majorly on your qualities as a FIFA player rather than the stats of your players. You try to push the ball as fast as possible up the pitch relying on everything from short bursts of pace to quick intricate passes. The better player you are the more advantage you can take. This type of play is notoriously to defend against because it is very unpredictable.

We highly suggest that you use the fast build up option because it is a pain to defend against and the smallest lapse of concentration for your opponent can lead to a goal. It is understandable that it can be hard to suddenly jump to a fast build up if you are used to playing a more possession-based game. If that is the case, you should slowly try to go from Possession >> Balance >> Long Ball >> Fast Build Up. Once you master Fast Build Up you will not only master FUT19 but also any upcoming FIFA games as they all seem to rely on unpredictability.

Just like defensive width that we discussed earlier, we also have the option to customize our attacking width to suit our needs. Depending on your playstyle you can choose whether you want to focus on quick short passes in the narrow midfield or do you want to stretch your opponents defense before cutting through them. You should make a note of the fact that your formation and width should o hand in hand. There is not point in having a narrow formation with the width maxed out, or vice versa.

This is used to dictate how your attack sets up against the opponent. You can use this to change how you would like your midfielders and attackers to position themselves. You can select a value between 1 to 10, where 1 is the most compact and 10 is the widest.

To play a narrow formation select a value between 1 and 3. Such a width coupled with a formation like 41212(2) will make for a deadly combination because you will have a plethora of options to make short quick passes and cut through defenses. Using such a formation against a wide defence will be lethal because you will be presented with a plethora of one on one situations. But a narrow attack vs a narrow defence will be hard to break down because of the lace of space and time in the centre of the pitch.

To play a balanced or moderate offensive unit select a value between 4 and 7.They are neither too narrow nor too wide. These allow for some flexibility. You can also deal with narrow defences as well as cope with wide formations. The players position to offer a lot of flexibility rather than stick to narrow or wide positions. Balanced width is neither very effective against any particular formation but is also not very susceptible to any formation. You can use such a tactic with most formations as it can suit a number of play styles.

If you want to play a wide formation you should select a value between 8 and 10.This will get your players to occupy the wider areas of the pitch rather than the centre. This will give you more passing options at the flanks and will limit your options in the middle of the field. These formations are notoriously bad against narrow formations which dominate the competitive scene. Because against narrow formations, your opponents can take advantage of the lack of players in the midfield can simply pass their way through your defense. We don’t recommend that you use such a width as it makes you very weak defensively because your midfield is exposed.

Again we suggest that you use a moderate amount to give you more flexibility and not be either too top heavy or too defensive as it can mess with the balance of your team. If you favour short passes and quick movements you should opt for a narrow attack and pass your way through the opponent. If you like crosses into the box you could opt for wider formation. It also depends on what kind of strikers you prefer using.

This is a fairly self explanatory tactic. It simply allows you to adjust the kind of runs in the box your players make. Depending on your settings you can customise it to suit your needs. Whether you only want your Strikers to enter the box for a header or if you want additional quick backup runs from your midfielders into the box, everything can be controlled using this section. You can select a value from 1 to 10 where 1 stands for less frequent and less aggressive runs into the box and 10 represents the most aggressive runs into the box. You should try to experiment and find an ideal value that compliments your playstyle.

To have the least aggressive runs into the box, choose a value between 1 to 3. This will ensure that your defenders stay at the edge of the box while only your strikers get in to the box for crosses from wide areas. Having such a low value will also decrease the frequency of runs into the box. You will often find that when you are in wide areas you have no one in the box to aim for. This can be frustrating at times. This is okay in narrow formations, but we wouldn’t suggest using this with wide formations like 442 or a 433.

    Normal / Balanced Amount

To have moderately risky runs into the box, choose a value between 4 to 7.This will ensure that your some of your midfielders stay at the edge of the box while your attacking mids get into the box and join you strikers for crosses from wide areas. Having medium value will ensure that a balance is maintained. Even if you misplace the cross you will still have bodies to defend the counter attack. Whenever you get into wide position, players will make runs into the box in the hopes of getting on the end of a cross. This tactic can be especially useful if you have tall and strong Attacking midfielders like Paul Pogba.

To have highly aggressive runs into the box, choose a value between 8 to 10.This will make sure that all your midfielders get into the box and join you strikers for crosses from wide areas. Having such a high value will make you vulnerable to counter attacks if you give away the ball cheaply. If you misplace the cross you will not have any bodies to defend the counter attack. Whenever you get into wide position, players will make runs into the box in the hopes of getting on the end of a cross. This tactic can and should be used only when chasing a game, because of it’s risky nature.

We suggest that you choose a moderate value for this. Having too many players in the box can alter your midfield options while defending, while too less players in the box will virtually eliminate any chance of scoring from crosses. However, you should feel free to make your own changes. If you(like me) hardly ever cross the ball you can set the value to 3 or 4.What works for someone mustn’t necessarily work for you.

In this section you will be able to choose how many players you want in the box during corners. You can select a value between 1 to 5 , where 1 stands for the lowest amount of people you can have and 5 is represents the most people you can have in the box during a corner..Depending on your selection you can go for a defensive approach that is unlikely to get goals or an offensive approach that will leave you short on players to defend a counter attack.

To have very few people in the box during corners, choose a value from either 1 or 2. This will ensure that you have enough men back to deal with counter attacks in case you give the ball away to the first man while crossing the ball in. This can be useful when you are defending a lead and don’t need the extra bodies in the box. It is unlikely to score using this approach.

    Normal amount

To have a normal amount of players in the box during free kicks, choose a value 3. This will ensure that you have few men back to deal with counter attacks in case you give the ball away but also gives you a chance to nick a goal. This is the most recommended setting as it offers you a neat balance between having a goal threat and enough players behind to defend a counter attack.

To have a high amount of players in the box during corners, choose a value from either 4 or 5. This will ensure that you have lots of men in the box which gives you a high chance to score. This can be useful when you are a goal down in the game. Having lots of players in the box can come back to bite you because ou won’t have any players to defend a counter attack just in case you give the ball away cheaply.

Additional Tips

We suggest that you choose a value 3 and set up dynamic tactics with the other values depending on whether you are defending a slender lead or whether you are chasing a game. Corners can be incredibly useful because you get a high number of corners in a match. If you perfect a specific technique it will be very hard to beat you. Even if you have a 20 – 25 % success rate you can still become very hard to beat. And your corners will only get more and more lethal as your players improve and you get more practice.

In this section you will be able to choose how many players you want in the box during free kicks. You can select a value between 1 to 5 , where 1 stands for the lowest amount of people you can have and 5 is represents the most people you can have in the box during a free kick. Depending on your selection you can go for a defensive approach that is unlikely to get goals or an offensive approach that will leave you short on players on the counter attack.

To have very few people in the box during free kicks, choose a value from either 1 or 2. This will ensure that you have enough men back to deal with counter attacks in case you give the ball away to the defensive players as is often the case during set pieces. This can be useful when you are defending a lead and don’t need the extra bodies in the box. However this is a very timid approach and unless you have an absolute maverick of a player in the box and an excellent crosser to put the ball on his head, it is not very likely to score using this approach.

    Normal amount

To have a normal amount of players in the box during free kicks, choose a value 3. This will ensure that you have few men back to deal with counter attacks in case you give the ball away but also gives you a chance to nick a goal. This can be useful when throughout the game even if you are leading to establish a secure lead whilst remaining vary of the counter. You won’t need a 6 ft 6 in player to score goals in this approach because you are more likely to get the ball when you have more players in the box.

To have a high amount of players in the box during free kicks, choose a value from either 4 or 5. This will ensure that you have lots of men in the box which gives you a realistic chance to nick a goal. This can be useful when you are chasing the game and you are desperately in search of the equalizer. Naturally, this comes with its own drawbacks. Having so many players in the box will surely be threatening but in the case that you give away the ball you will have to deal with your opponent’s pacey meta strikers tearing down at you because the lack of defenders left you open at the back.

Additional Tips: We suggest that you choose a value 3 and set up dynamic tactics with the other values depending on whether you are defending a slender lead or whether you are chasing a game.

Now that you know how these custom tactics work, you will need some different formations to try these with. Different situations call for different formations and mentalities. If you’re losing you could opt for a 3-man defence in the hopes of getting a goal, or if you’re trying to defend a lead you can go for a 5 man defence where the priority is keeping the ball out of your own net by any means necessary

We will go over the most commonly used formations in FIFA19 used by Pro players because they are tried and tested at the highest levels of the game and are pretty much guaranteed to be effective.

Top 3 formations used are-

The first formation that we will be seeing is the 433(4). There are many variations to the 433 formation but we feel that this highly attacking variant is the best amongst the lot.

Suggested attributes for your players-

Wingers - You should have fast pacey agile wingers who are comfortable cutting inside or going out wide. If they have only one skill in their arsenal it will be very easy to read them so it is best to be comfortable with either option.

Players like Neymar or Messi can be used to deadly effect and can cut inside and hit a timed finesse shot straight into the corner or can stretch the defence and pick out a target in the centre. Cheaper options are players like Douglas Costa or Leroy Sane who are nearly as adept as their more expensive counterparts.

Striker- Because most of your counters will be lead by your wingers, there is virtually no need for a pacey striker too. You could easily use a slower, stronger striker as a target man to whom your wingers can cross the ball to f the option to cut in is not available.

Players like Suarez, Higuain can be used and owing to their insane finishing skills you will have no trouble finding the back of the net. On the cheaper end of the spectrum, you have players like Lukaku, who in his own right too can lead a counterattack if the situation arises. Giroud is an option if you are really strapped for coins.

CAM – This guy is really going to be the heart of your attack. Everything in the midfield will be going through him so you can afford to cut too many corners in this department. Someone who is both physically as well as technically gifted is suited to this role. Someone who will be able to let your wingers run down the flanks while he picks them out with an inch perfect pass.

Players like Pogba, De Bruyne all excel in this role. Players like Dybala who are not too physically dominant can also do well in this role. Another thing that will be expected of these CAM players is the ability to pick out the top corner if the situation calls for it. You should keep such things in mind when building a team.

CMs-These two players also have an important role to play. They will be in charge of breaking up the play in the midfield as well as starting counter attacks. Some people opt for a pairing of an out an out CDM like Kante and Fabinho paired with a more attacking based CM, while some go for balance and try to field two balanced midfielders.

Players like Matuidi, Rabiot, Fred, Herrera all excel in these roles. If you win the midfield battle in the game, the battle is half won already. In case you have a high budget you couldn’t go wrong with Icon Players like Paul Scholes or Steven Gerrard.

CBs- For all of these formations the types of CBs are going to be the same. Tall, Strong, Commanding and fast. They should b able to deal with the best of target men as well as cope with pacey agile strikers in the form of Gabriel Jesus and Pierre Emerick Aubameyang.

Players like Van Dijk, Davinson Sanchez and fit this mold and are excessively used in any division of the game.

The fullbacks will complement your strikers. We wouldn’t suggest going with overly attacking full backs as that could leave your defense exposed. It is easy to do that in this formation because of the absence of a pure CDM. You should make sure that your fullbacks are solid defensively before you consider their attacking potential.

Pro player and former World Champion YouTuber Ovvy uses the above Custom Tactics to go with this formation. You should try to play something similar to this and then maybe adjusting it to suit your preferences.

FIFA 18’s favorite formation is overpowered again this year, no surprises here. This formation offers one of the best balances between attack and defence and will also allow quick transition from back to front. It’s no surprise that this formation is big among pro players. Former champion Krasi also uses this formation. He did an entire video about this formation - We have condensed this into a nifty guide below-

General tips for playing 41212(2)-

You should try to form lots of passing triangles. You can use passes to draw the players out of position before hitting that killer pass that sets you through on goal. Using L1 or LB passes are very effective and you will stroll through any player who can’t defend that well.

You should be patient on the attack if you have the ball in midfield. You don’t need to keep the sprint button held down always. You can take your time and look for passes to the forwards and attacking runs from midfield. In case the opportunity arises don’t be afraid to smack one into the top corner using timed finishing.

You should definitely put your pacey strikers to use, but don’t become too predictable. You should not force through balls to your forwards to chase all the time, only when there are time and space.

Suggested attributes for your players-

Fullbacks-Pace is an important factor in every game, FIFA 19 is not an exception to this rule. Unless you want to get absolutely humiliated by four opponents 96 pace but 76 rated Adama Traore, we would suggest that you make sure that you have fast full backs at your disposal.

If you play possession-based football, you should use full backs that can carry the ball forward and support the midfield when necessary.

Players like Bellerin, Walker, Jordi Alba, Alex Sandro should suit your needs.

CBs- Fairly routine, same as 433(4), Strong and fast.

CDM- You can go two ways in this department. You can go for the tall strong, destroyer type of CDM - the likes of Matic and such. Or you could go for the smaller faster B2B(box to box) type of players like Kante. Personally, i use Kante because of his exceptional interceptions and pace. The CDM should be good at other things and not only at destroying attacks. All attacks start from the defense. He should be able to launch accurate passes to your CMs so they can take over or get away with the ball at his feet. Suitable players are – Kante, Fabinho or Matic like players.

FUN FACT - Fabinho is the most used player in this edition of FIFA.

CMs CAMs are nearly the same as 433(4).The players we described earlier will suit this role in this formation too.

ST– The Strikers are going to be most important to this formation as they are going to be scoring most of the goals for your team. P acey Agile players do splendidly in this formation. You should make sure you set them to get in behind so they can peel away from their marker and go through on goal. However be sure that they aren’t just fast, a little strength goes a far way when you’re up against a strong pair of CBs.

Players like Ronaldo, Bale, Reus Aubameyang are tailor made for this formation. Cheaper options are Jesus or even Zaha.

The Custom Tactics that Krasi Uses

One of the surprise contenders for this year’s most OP formation has to be 4231 with the CAMs. This formation has been present in FIFA for ages but has been overlooked, so far. With this years new finishing mechanic - Timed Finishes, any timed finesse long shot just sails into the top corner and is just unstoppable. This formation aims to maximize those opportunities for long shots.

If you have good CAMs you will have your opponent at your longshots‘ mercy. Due to this, 4231 has become the most used formation for pro players with 80%+ using this formation. Pro Player Huge Gorilla went 30-0 with this formation in FUT Champs.

We’ve broken his guide down below so you too can reach the heights of pro players.

Players that suit this formation

Fullbacks- Your fullbacks primary goal in this formation is to offer defensive stability. They are not expected to contribute offensively because all your attacking will be coming from your midfielders. So you should go for players with good defensive skill even if they offer little going forward. Although if they have the ability to carry the ball into space when the opportunity arises, it is highly welcome.

Alex Sandro is perfect for this role as he is fast strong and adept defensively. For the other side you could use his teammate Joao Cancelo who is no slouch either.

CBs- In this formation there is only one rule when picking your Centre Backs-the faster and stronger they are, the better. Players with pace and power will be crucial for this formation. Players like Varane, Ramos are great. If you have a higher budget you should really try to get one of the Icon CBs, because they are in a league of their own.

CDMs- Again here, you should opt for pace and power rather than their technical qualities. Players who can read the play and break up attacks are essential. Players like Fabinho or Matuidi can be very useful. Again, if you have the budget you should go for players like Vieira who are miles ahead of any players available in these positions.

Your CDMs can offer a second attack by joining late into attacks and offering another passing option.

Middle CAM- This is a very physically demanding position as you need a lot of stamina otherwise you will need to sub him off at the 60-70th minute mark. Physically imposing players are preferred because they will often get into battles with CDMs making space for the other CAMs. Pogba absolutely bosses this role owing to his attacking qualities as well as his physical presence.

If your budget won’t allow to get him, you could also get Alli who is quite good too.

Wide CAMs- They will be the spearheads of your attack. 50% of your goals will come from these two guys even if you have amazing strikers. They have only one aim, cut inside and finesse it into top bins. Every pro match you see this will be the only thing that both players will attempt. It is very effective and many players have been calling to EA to nerf it, but don’t expect that to happen(at least until FIFA 2020). Small agile players who can drop a shoulder and disappear into space before firing a shot are amazing here.

By my description alone you should have thought about Paulo Dybala, it is almost as if he was born for his role in a video game. A great long shot on him and a gem of a left foot.

Because you will be finessing shots, you should play left footed players on the right and vice versa. This will allow them to cut in on their stronger foot before firing.

Icon wingers like Cruyff or Ronaldinho can play the role of RCAM. But you will need to change formation in the game.

Strikers- This is down to your preference, we would suggest a strong imposing type of player so that in case you can’t cut inside, you can at least go wide and get a cross in. But you cannot go wrong here as long as he suits for play style. Although we won’t suggest any specific type we think that players like CR7 absolutely destroy it in this formation. The combination of pace and power is immense in this formation.

In conclusion, we would like to say that we hope this guide managed to help you understand what every tactic means. You should try to experiment with all different combinations so you understand what gets the best out of your playstyle.

There are lots of tactics you can use from Pep Guardiola’s Tiki-Taka to Jose Mourinho’s pragmatic approach of parking the metaphorical bus and springing on the counter attack. You too can become a top tactician. Once you have a preferred system and formation that you have mastered it will become very hard to beat you. We wish you all the best and hope that you dominate the virtual football scene.

We also broke down the most OP formations for you. We have that you can put these to good use and rise through the ranks in FUT 19. We wish you the best.

The fullbacks will complement your strikers. We wouldn’t suggest going with overly attacking full backs as that could leave your defense exposed. It is easy to do that in this formation because of the absence of a pure CDM. You should make sure that your fullbacks are solid defensively before you consider their attacking potential. We suggest that you choose a moderate value for this. Having too many players in the box can alter your midfield options while defending, while too less players in the box will virtually eliminate any chance of scoring from crosses. However, you should feel free to make your own changes. If you(like me) hardly ever cross the ball you can set the value to 3 or 4.What works for someone mustn’t necessarily work for you.

Фифа 19 схема 4 2 4, фифа 19 схема 4 2 4

фифа 19 схема 4 2 4

Фифа 19 схема 4 2 4

Стоит признать: в FIFA 19 тактики стали значить гораздо больше. Новая «фича» Dynamic Tactics позволяет настраивать план на игру и выбирать разные стили прямо в процессе. Также в игре добавились новые инструкции для игроков.

К тому же и формаций стало гораздо больше. Как не потеряться среди этого многообразия и выбрать Лучшую?

Как и в прошлом году, схема Отлично сбалансирована и подходит почти всем. Это оБоронительная схема с двумя опорными полузащитниками, которая нивелирует позиционные ошибки и не дает развернуться сопернику в центре. Прекрасно подходит против Быстрых и Техничных форвардов и идеальна для тех, кто любит играть на Контратаках. А за счет одного атакующего полузащитника у вас нет разрыва в линиях и нет проблем в позиционных Атаках.

Минус Один – высокие требования к крайним полузащитникам. В первую очередь смотрите на высокий Workrate. Старайтесь, чтобы это был игрок High/high или хотя бы High/medium.

Вообще и узкая, и широкая версия этой формации остается популярным выбором. Однако из-за возросшей роли опорников выбор более компактной версии выгоднее. Она идеально сбалансирована и в Атаке, и в Обороне.

Здесь позволяйте вашим фланговым игрокам чаще подключаться к Атаке — так как фланг Свободен, то они помогут вам для растягивания Обороны соперника. В результате вы получите преимущество 2-в-1 на каждого центрального защитника.

Минусы незначительны: крайне желательны хорошие для атаки Фулбеки, ну и разместить сильного крайнего Полузащитника/форварда в нее тяжеловато. Фанатам Салаха и Мбаппе будет не по душе.

Формация, которая появилась только в FIFA 19, но пользуется популярностью в реальной жизни. Во многом потому что в ней можно разместить всех Звезд. Против нее очень сложно защищаться: Два форварда и Два вингера обеспечивают не только много Опасности у ворот, но и помогают в первой фазе Обороны.

Но и минус очевиден: необходимы супер-пупер Центрхавы. Они должны иметь высокий отбор, работоспособность, пас и дальний удар. Иначе вы получите слабую Оборону и приличный Разрыв в линиях.

«Елочка» — это схема для тех, кто любит атаковать через центр. Форвард, два инсайда и три центральных полузащитника создают давление на центр обороны и опорных хавбеков. Для идеального исполнения задумки нужны быстрые крайние нападающие с дриблингом и центрфорвард с отличным Финишингом.

Если в реальном футболе 4-3-3 постепенно изживает себя, то в FIFA 19 вы все еще можете использовать ее атакующую схему с двумя СМ и одним САМ. Имея большое количество крутых исполнителей для атаки, с ней вы можете забивать действительно много.

Однако про то, чтобы не пропускать, можете забыть: без Опорников ваши центрдефы не будут справляться с соперником, и практически гарантированно вы получите хотя бы Парочку в свои ворота. Будьте уверены, что забить вы можете больше.

Неожиданно, 5-4-1 показывает себя Очень хорошо, особенно для тех, кто умеет Терпеть. Это чисто Защитная схема, которая прекрасно нейтрализует даже самых звездных Футболистов у оппонента. Почти всегда ваши исполнители будут за линией мяча.

Но и забивать много вы здесь не сможете. Здесь вам потребуется действительно супер-форвард, способный сделать гол из ничего. К крайним Полузащитникам тоже много требований: высокая оборонительная работоспособность и скорость для разгона контратак.

«Елочка» — это схема для тех, кто любит атаковать через центр. Форвард, два инсайда и три центральных полузащитника создают давление на центр обороны и опорных хавбеков. Для идеального исполнения задумки нужны быстрые крайние нападающие с дриблингом и центрфорвард с отличным Финишингом.

Однако про то, чтобы не пропускать, можете забыть: без Опорников ваши центрдефы не будут справляться с соперником, и практически гарантированно вы получите хотя бы Парочку в свои ворота. Будьте уверены, что забить вы можете больше.

В FIFA19, как обычно, множество расстановок, но игроки традиционно ограничиваются лишь несколькими. Настала пора выяснить - какая схема прямо сейчас является самой популярной? Опрос даст ответ на этот вопрос.

"Скоростные нападающие не рулят так, как в FIFA18". Своим мнением по схемам поделился игрок ALEX_POLL.

- Какой схемой играл в FIFA18 и продолжаешь ли играть ей в FIFA19?

- В фифа 18 играл по схеме 4-4-2 обычно, в 19 в большей степени играю такой же схемой. Играю ей, потому что и края задействованы, и в два нападающих. Это удобно для атаки, центр чуть проседает бывает, но можно защитную такую же схему выбрать. Если в команде есть два добротных цп бокс ту бокс, то уже проще. Опять же зависит ещё как матч развивается, какой соперник, бывает соп либо весь центр хорошо перекрывает, либо края, тут по ходу матча надо что-то думать.

- В прошлой версии многие играли именно узкой 4-1-2-1-2. Неужели 4-3-3 окончательно сдулась?

- Узкая, да, рулит, особенно, кто быстро умеет центр поля проходить и привык к ней. Если сравнивать между 4-3-3, лично для меня узкая предпочтительней, потому что особенность 19 части такая, что скоростные напы не рулят так, как в 18, их спокойно догоняют защитники. В целом, кому как удобно, дело вкусовщины и стиля игры. Плюс в составе желательно иметь высоких игроков, очень опасны угловые в этой части, думаю столбы тоже будут котироваться в фифе 19.

- Что скажешь о схемах в 3 и 5 защитников?

- В 5 защитников вообще не вижу смысла играть: вам так и так забьют, если вы слабо играете в защите. В 3 защитника без крайних защитников лично я использую, если проигрываю и усилить атаку надо. Думаю, не стоит рисковать в самом начале игры.

- Узкая, да, рулит, особенно, кто быстро умеет центр поля проходить и привык к ней. Если сравнивать между 4-3-3, лично для меня узкая предпочтительней, потому что особенность 19 части такая, что скоростные напы не рулят так, как в 18, их спокойно догоняют защитники. В целом, кому как удобно, дело вкусовщины и стиля игры. Плюс в составе желательно иметь высоких игроков, очень опасны угловые в этой части, думаю столбы тоже будут котироваться в фифе 19. - Что скажешь о схемах в 3 и 5 защитников?

Поиск идеального расположения игроков – проблема не только геймеров, но и тренеров в реальной жизни. Но если Гвардиоле и Клоппу приходится подстраиваться под навыки своих футболистов, то в футсимах ограничения ставит механика самой игры.

Важно понимать, что в FIFA расстановка значит гораздо больше, чем в настоящем футболе, ведь компьютерные футболисты строго занимают отведенные им позиции и никогда не выходят за их рамки. В реальной игре вы увидите «Наполи», который играет 4-4-2 при обороне и 3-2-3-2 в атаке, а в FIFA даже опорник от центрального полузащитника сильно отличается занимаемой позицией.

Так какие же формации нельзя использовать?

Атака – 4/5, оборона – 2/5, контратака – 1/5

Сильные стороны:

    Хороша при владении мячом и продавливании насыщенной обороны Много футболистов в центре поля

    Уязвимость флангов Латерали требуют тщательного подбора Проблемы против быстрых вингеров соперника

На самом деле эта формация не так плоха с точки зрения атаки: при владении мячом вам доступны 6 футболистов, которые находятся за линией мяча. Да и тройка защитников, как показывает практика, неплохой выбор в нынешней FIFA.

Однако схема проигрывает банальным 3-5-2 с точки зрения обороны: вы часто будете наблюдать ситуацию, когда крайние полузащитники не успевают отрабатывать в защите, а опорник частенько проигрывает подбор. Формация требует очень тщательного подбора латералей: у них должны быть сильные атакующие скиллы (скорость, дриблинг, пас), при этом обязательно наличие высокого workrate в обороне. Хотя даже в этом случае быстрые вингеры вроде Салаха и Мане доставят слишком много проблем.

Повозиться придется и с выбором CDM (ярко выраженного опорника): у него обязательно должен быть хороший пас, иначе постоянные обрезы приведут к голу. Выбирайте по показателю long passes не менее 80.

Еще одна проблема – выход в контратаку. Когда вы отзащищались, ваши фланговые игроки находятся слишком низко. В атаке остаются лишь два форварда, которые легко накрываются парой или тройкой защитников. В итоге вы вынуждены ждать ускорения и без того уставших латералей, чтобы растянуть оборону.

Расстановки, которые вынесут вас: 4-3-3, 4-5-1.

Атака – 3/5, оборона – 2/5, контратака – 2/5

Сильные стороны

    Много вариантов для продолжения атаки Легко собрать полную chemistry

Слабые стороны

    Форварды отрезаны от полузащиты Слабый центр поля Все 4 полузащитника должны иметь хороший дальний пас

С одной стороны, схема достаточно сбалансирована для обороны и атаки. С другой – и оборону, и атаку она делает весьма посредственной. Неудивительно, что в реальном футболе такой расстановки вы никогда не увидите: это вовсе не ромб Анчелотти с насыщенным центром поля. По сути, это стандартная 4-4-2, где один из игроков зачем-то располагается над другим. Поэтому сопернику очень просто пройти ваш центр поля: пара спартаковских стеночек – и вы не у дел.

Игроки располагаются слишком далеко друг от друга. Форварды должны иметь высокий workrate – иначе они просто будут жить своей жизнью, вдали от основной команды. Крайние полузащитники постоянно получают свободную зону, но в центре большой поддержки не ждите. Лучше выберите более стандартные аналоги: 4-4-2, 4-2-2-2 или 4-3-1-2.

Расстановки, которые вынесут вас: 4-3-1-2, 4-4-2, 4-3-3.

Атака – 4/5, оборона – 1/5, контратака – 1/5

Сильные стороны:

    Много человек в атаке. Подходит, когда вам нужно сравнять счет незадолго до конца матча

Слабые стороны:

    Разрыв между полузащитой и защитой Высокие требования к крайним полузащитникам Нужны быстрые защитники

Отличная схема, чтобы пропускать по 4-5 голов за игру. Она вобрала в себя все минусы от 3-1-4-2, добавив к ним большое расстояние между линиями защиты и полузащиты: опорника, заполняющего эту позицию, просто нет. Вы уязвимы к любой контратаке, если у соперника есть быстрые форварды (а в 99% случаев они есть). И даже если вы отобьете первую волну атаки, то пропустите во второй.

Схема жизнеспособна только в одном случае: у вас очень дорогой состав. Быстрые защитники с высоким дефендингом, выносливые фланговые полузащитники с высоким оборонительным workrate и вратарь, который будет спасать. В противном случае учитесь разводить с центра поля. Пригодится.

Расстановки, которые вынесут вас: 4-2-3-1, 4-3-3 (1,2,3), 4-3-1-2, 3-4-3.

*вариация с тремя СМ, без опорников и атакующих полузащитников

Атака – 1/5, оборона – 3/5, контратака – 1/5

Сильные стороны

    Неплохая позиционная оборона, которую сложно вскрыть

Слабые стороны

    Одинокий форвард не отвечает на вопрос «как забить больше гола за матч» Разрывы между линией защиты, полузащиты и форвардом Ненужное нагромождение в центре поля

Подобную схему вы увидите разве что в ФНЛ, где команды больше заботятся о защите своих ворот, а в атаке рассчитывают на высокого форварда, который способен зацепиться за мяч. Но в FIFA у нее есть гораздо более удачные вариации: с выдвинутым АПЗ, который свяжет полузащиту и атаку, или опорником, который сделает оборону надежнее. Нет ни одной причины, по который использование 4-5-1 [2] уместно – она не предлагает ничего лучше, но усиливает недостатки. Эту расстановку можно полностью игнорировать.

Расстановки, которые вынесут вас: 4-3-1-2, 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 3-5-2, 4-2-2-2.

Атака – 1/5, обороны – 2/5, контратака – 1/5

Сильные стороны

    Чувство невероятного удовлетворения от того, что вы обыграли этой схемой хоть кого-то

Слабые стороны

    Разрывы между линиями CF постоянно теряется на поле Слабость в обороне Фланговые полузащитники почти бесполезны в атаке

Если предыдущие тактики можно было хоть как-то использовать, то эта – полный кошмар. Начнем с самой необычной позиции: CF (оттянутый форвард или форвард подыгрыша). Этот пример сильно похож на расстановку 4-1-3-2, когда пара центральных полузащитников становится не в линию, а друг за другом. Здесь та же история: CF никак не связывает полузащиту и атаку, но находится ниже страйкера. В итоге если передний форвард получает мяч, ему некому отдать пас, и он вынужден бить. Если бы они играли в паре, то партнер открывался бы сбоку. Так что или играйте 4-4-2, или 4-2-3-1 с атакующим полузащитником.

Разрыв между полузащитой и защитой никуда не делся, ведь опорного мы не наблюдаем. Но самое странное, что при 4-5-1 [2] крайние полузащитники хотя бы становятся вингерами, когда вы атакуете. Здесь же они расположены еще ниже, и поддержка от них минимальна.

Эта расстановка не спасет, даже если в роли CF у вас Месси, а на краях полузащиты Азар и Салах. Вам будет практически невозможно взломать оборону соперника, контратаки не будут по-настоящему остры, и все эти жертвы будут принесены ради довольно посредственной защиты.

Расстановки, которые вынесут вас: любая.

    Разрыв между полузащитой и защитой Высокие требования к крайним полузащитникам Нужны быстрые защитники

Сильные стороны

FIFA 19 Squad Battles Rewards for FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, fifa 19 squad

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FIFA 19 Squad Battles Rewards for FIFA 19 Ultimate Team

Are you looking for FIFA 19 Squad Battles Rewards? You are in the right place. We publish in this page all the prizes you can earn in this FUT game mode, and we keep it updated throughout the year.

Compete and earn rewards in the single player mode Squad Battles. Take on other squads from the FUT community, to earn rewards and move up the leaderboards. In the Featured Squad Battle, you can also challenge the squads of football players, pro FIFA players and celebrities to test your skills and build your team.

What you can win in each week

Squad Battles is a game mode within FIFA 19 Ultimate Team that rewards the best single players with amazing prizes. This page is your only stop for FIFA 19 Squad Battles rewards.

The rewards are delivered every week, as soon as the event ends, on Mondays, at midnight GMT. The cards from the packs are Tradeable, which means that you can sell them in the transfer market if you wish. You don’t need to open the packs in the week they are assigned to you. They can be stored to be opened later. They don’t expire.

From Monday to Saturday, you can play up to four matches per day. On the weekend, you can play up to four matches every 8 hours. It means that, in a full week, you have a total of 45 matches to play, including the featured squad match. The more wins you get, the better you will rank.

ROUND 01 🕰️ 20/09/2018 (Thu) 12:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 19/09/2018 (Wed) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 02 🕰️ 24/09/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 23/09/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 03 🕰️ 01/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 30/09/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 04 🕰️ 08/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 07/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 05 🕰️ 15/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 14/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 06 🕰️ 22/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 21/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 07 🕰️ 29/10/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 28/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 08 🕰️ 05/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 04/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 09 🕰️ 12/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 11/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 10 🕰️ 19/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 18/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 11 🕰️ 26/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 25/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 12 🕰️ 03/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 02/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 13 🕰️ 10/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 09/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 14 🕰️ 17/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 16/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 15 🕰️ 24/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 23/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 16 🕰️ 31/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 30/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 17 🕰️ 07/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 06/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 18 🕰️ 14/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 13/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 19 🕰️ 21/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 20/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 20 🕰️ 28/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 27/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 21 🕰️ 04/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 03/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 22 🕰️ 11/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 10/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 23 🕰️ 18/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 17/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 24 🕰️ 25/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 24/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 25 🕰️ 04/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 03/03/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 26 🕰️ 11/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 10/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 27 🕰️ 18/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 17/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 28 🕰️ 25/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 24/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 29 🕰️ 01/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 31/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 30 🕰️ 08/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 07/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 31 🕰️ 15/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 14/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 32 🕰️ 22/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 21/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 33 🕰️ 29/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 28/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 34 🕰️ 06/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 05/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 35 🕰️ 13/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 12/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 36 🕰️ 20/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 19/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 37 🕰️ 27/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 26/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 38 🕰️ 03/06/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 02/06/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 39 🕰️ 10/06/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 09/06/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 40 🕰️ 17/06/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 16/06/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

From Monday to Saturday, you can play up to four matches per day. On the weekend, you can play up to four matches every 8 hours. It means that, in a full week, you have a total of 45 matches to play, including the featured squad match. The more wins you get, the better you will rank. Are you looking for FIFA 19 Squad Battles Rewards? You are in the right place. We publish in this page all the prizes you can earn in this FUT game mode, and we keep it updated throughout the year.

Complete these challenges before time runs out, to earn the Xbox Kits

Premium Gold Players Pack

Exchange a squad to earn a Team of the Season player from the SPL TOTS Squad

Saudi Professional League Tots Player

Earn a TOTS Moments Townsend celebrating his amazing goal against Manchester City

Earn a special English Premier League Team of the Season Ryan Fraser

Earn a Flashback Firmino celebrating his inclusion in Premier League TOTS 2018

Try out Bundesliga POTM Kai Havertz on a 20-Match Loan

Earn the Bundesliga Player of the Month for April, Kai Havertz

Complete Challenges with clubs from this week's key matchups

Prime Gold Players Pack

LIVE Robin van Persie - Loan

Try out van Persie's Premium SBC with a 20 match Loan version

Celebrate Robin van Persie's career with a Premium SBC Version

Try out Ribery's Premium SBC with a 20 match Loan version

Celebrate Franck Ribery's legacy with his club with a Premium SBC Version

Try out MLS POTM Carlos Vela on a 20-Match Loan

Earn the MLS Player of the Month for April, Carlos Vela

Try out Premier League POTM Jamie Vardy on a 20-Match Loan

Earn the Premier League Player of the Month for April, Jamie Vardy!


Exchange 14 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for a Base Icon Pack

Base Icon Player


Exchange 14 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for TOTW Luis Suarez


Exchange 12 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for FUT Birthday Kyle Walker

FUT SWAP DEALS Ultimate Pack

Exchange 10 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for an Ultimate Pack

Ultimate Pack

FUT SWAP DEALS Jumbo Rare Players Pack

Exchange 8 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for a Jumbo Rare Players Pack

Jumbo Rare Players Pack

FUT SWAP DEALS James Rodriguez

Exchange 7 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for TOTW James Rodriguez


Exchange 5 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for TOTW Joao Cancelo


Exchange 4 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for a Rare Mega Pack

Rare Mega Pack

FUT SWAP DEALS Jonathan Bamba

Exchange 3 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for TOTW Jonathan Bamba

FUT SWAP DEALS Premium Gold Players Pack

Exchange 2 FUT Swap Items, earned during May, for a Premium Gold Players Pack

Premium Gold Players Pack

FUT SWAP DEALS Jumbo Gold Pack

Exchange a FUT Swap Item, earned during May, for a Jumbo Gold Pack [Untradeable]

Expires: 2 week Repeatable

Jumbo Gold Pack

Build towards earning the Prime version of Ronaldo

Jumbo Gold Pack Premium Gold Players Pack

FIFA 19 Squad Battles rewards are distributed to FUT players on a weekly basis, directly after a round has completed.

FUT Squad Battles ranks are dynamic - the amount of points required for each rank depends on the average weekly score across FIFA Ultimate Team.

FIFA Squad Battles allows you to challenge AI-controlled squads from around the FUT community. Each time you complete a match against one of these teams, you will be awarded 'Battle Points' and move up the leaderboards.

More: Check out the weekly FIFA 19 FUT Champions Rewards!

With the introduction of a new FUT 19 Squad Battles round comes a new featured squad.

The creators of these featured squads range from real-world professional footballers, pro FIFA players, all the way to celebrities who have an interest in the game.

Since FIFA Squad Battles is an offline game mode, it features a 'Win Difficulty Modifier'. Users are able to choose the difficulty of their opponents before each match. The harder the difficulty, the more FUT Squad Battle Points you can earn.

More: Check out the full list of FIFA 19 FUT Draft Rewards!

The Squad Battles game mode is ideal for users who like to play FIFA during the week, in a more relaxed way. You can play in your own time, at your own pace, and even pause each game for as long as you like. With this said, the rewards are still worthwhile. See exactly which FUT Squad Battles rewards you can earn below.

FUT SB rewards are delivered Every Monday, at 12:05am (5 minutes after midnight).

It is important to note that EA will include special player items as bonus rewards during certain weeks.

Are you waiting to open your FIFA 19 Squad Battles rewards? Which difficulty do you prefer to play with, and what's the highest rank that you have achieved in this offline game mode? We'd love to hear you thoughts! Get in touch with us via Twitter.

It is important to note that EA will include special player items as bonus rewards during certain weeks. FUT SB rewards are delivered Every Monday, at 12:05am (5 minutes after midnight).

When you're tired of playing online, why not take a break with the FIFA 19 Squad Battles? This is an offline mode where you can play against the AI and grind your way up the leaderboards for rewards, including a loan Ronaldo. Not bad, right? We've got a complete guide to the offline mode in FIFA 19 right here, so you can earn some top Ultimate Team rewards in FIFA 19 Squad Battles.

It's actually really, really simple. Each week you play between one and 45 games against the AI, on varying degrees of difficulty. Then at the end of the week you’re rewarded for your performances as well as results. Points are awarded for achievements such as goals and clean sheets, in addition to wins and draws. A key risk-reward wrinkle is being able to choose your difficulty setting before each match, with more points on the line if you win on Ultimate or Legendary – and an even deeper pang of pain in your stomach should you lose and come away with sweet FA.

Opponent teams are all created by fellow FIFA players. Before you select to play one, you’re shown its overall rating, and its chemistry rating. Note that overall ratings can be deceiving: if an opponent has an 83 ‘OVR’ but 100 ‘CHEM’, it’s likely to still prove formidable. Bear this in mind when choosing your difficulty setting for each fixture. (More on which shortly.)

Every weekday you can play one set of fixtures, which equates to four games. And you can catch up with up to three fixtures from a previous set, so long as you’ve already played one the day before.

Let’s say you play no games on Monday, one game on Tuesday, and then settle down for a mammoth FIFA session on Wednesday. Monday’s games are lost forever, but so long as you avoid hitting ‘Refresh Opponents’ you can still play the remaining three Tuesday games. Only then would you select ‘Refresh Opponents’ to trigger Wednesday’s four games.

Weekday fixtures refresh at midnight UK time.

At weekends you can play three sets of fixtures per day, which refresh at eight hour intervals. Again this same rule re fixture sets applies; the maximum number of games you can play in any session is eight – four from the current eight-hour slot, three from the previous one, and that week’s celebrity fixture, which sees a real-life pro or well-known community member provide a team for you to come up against in a one-off match.

Weekend fixtures refresh at 8am UK time, then again at 4pm UK time.

Squad Battles leaderboards are split into 17 tiers. The top 100 players in the world during any given week share five tiers between them; from the player ranked 101st downwards, the tiers become much more broad. For instance, 20% of all players make in into ‘Gold 1’ – the ninth tier – or above each week. Here’s a full breakdown:

6. Elite 1 (3% of all players)

7. Elite 2 (6% of all players)

8. Elite 3 (10% of all players)

9. Gold 1 (20% of all players)

10. Gold 2 (30% of all players)

11. Gold 3 (40% of all players)

12. Silver 1 (50% of all players)

13. Silver 2 (60% of all players)

14. Silver 3 (70% of all players)

15. Bronze 1 (80% of all players)

16. Bronze 2 (90% of all players)

17. Bronze 3 (100% of all players)

TL;DR answer: play all 45 games and win as many as possible on Ultimate difficulty.

More detailed, and realistic, answer: accept that a top 100 placing is highly unlikely unless you’re close to the level of an eSports pro and/or have an all-Icons super squad. Also understand that the computer does infuriatingly cheaty things on Ultimate difficulty. I scored 749 wins online and offline in FIFA 18 Ultimate Team, with a win percentage of 87%, yet never won a Squad Battles game on Ultimate difficulty. I had multiple leads of 2-0 or 3-1 but my team would always turn useless, and the opposition superhuman, in the last 20 minutes.

My tip, then, is to play every game on World Class difficulty while you’re building your dream squad and/or confidence, then switch to Legendary difficulty once you’re reeling off the World Class wins. Elite 1 is still a challenge under these circumstances, but after a month, if not a fortnight, you’ll find yourself regularly securing Elite 2 or Elite 3 finishes.

That’s sufficient to secure at least 12000 coins and three monster gold packs – and the nature of packs being random means that while the top 100 rewards appear sexier, you can just as easily score big-name players from the Elite tiers. For instance, my Squad Battles packs so far this season have included Mauro Icardi (87), Thiago (86) and Virgil van Dijk (85), to name three.

Squad Battles rewards drop shortly after midnight UK time on a Sunday night/Monday morning. They’re available both in game and via the web app (more on which in our FIFA 19 Web App guide).

Because they’re mostly gold cards this has a huge effect on the transfer market over the following 24 hours, which you should bear in mind when using another of GR’s gu >

No. Barring a sudden and highly unlikely change of policy midway through the FIFA 19 life cycle, Squad Battles rewards are weekly.

One point. Although so far as I can ascertain it’s actually impossible to get one point. If you play one Squad Battles match in any given week, you are guaranteed to earn the minimum Bronze 3 award, which at time of writing [November 2018] is a Premium Loan Player Reward pack and special edition kit.

FIFA 19 is out now. Planning on picking it up sometime between now and Christmas? Then be sure to check out our 9 essential FIFA 19 tips to know before you play.

No. Barring a sudden and highly unlikely change of policy midway through the FIFA 19 life cycle, Squad Battles rewards are weekly. One point. Although so far as I can ascertain it’s actually impossible to get one point. If you play one Squad Battles match in any given week, you are guaranteed to earn the minimum Bronze 3 award, which at time of writing [November 2018] is a Premium Loan Player Reward pack and special edition kit.

Are you looking for FIFA 19 Squad Battles Rewards? You are in the right place. We publish in this page all the prizes you can earn in this FUT game mode, and we keep it updated throughout the year.

Compete and earn rewards in the single player mode Squad Battles. Take on other squads from the FUT community, to earn rewards and move up the leaderboards. In the Featured Squad Battle, you can also challenge the squads of football players, pro FIFA players and celebrities to test your skills and build your team.

What you can win in each week

Squad Battles is a game mode within FIFA 19 Ultimate Team that rewards the best single players with amazing prizes. This page is your only stop for FIFA 19 Squad Battles rewards.

The rewards are delivered every week, as soon as the event ends, on Mondays, at midnight GMT. The cards from the packs are Tradeable, which means that you can sell them in the transfer market if you wish. You don’t need to open the packs in the week they are assigned to you. They can be stored to be opened later. They don’t expire.

From Monday to Saturday, you can play up to four matches per day. On the weekend, you can play up to four matches every 8 hours. It means that, in a full week, you have a total of 45 matches to play, including the featured squad match. The more wins you get, the better you will rank.

ROUND 01 🕰️ 20/09/2018 (Thu) 12:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 19/09/2018 (Wed) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 02 🕰️ 24/09/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 23/09/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 03 🕰️ 01/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 30/09/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 04 🕰️ 08/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 07/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 05 🕰️ 15/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 14/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 06 🕰️ 22/10/2018 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 21/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 07 🕰️ 29/10/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 28/10/2018 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 08 🕰️ 05/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 04/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 09 🕰️ 12/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 11/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 10 🕰️ 19/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 18/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 11 🕰️ 26/11/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 25/11/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 12 🕰️ 03/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 02/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 13 🕰️ 10/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 09/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 14 🕰️ 17/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 16/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 15 🕰️ 24/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 23/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 16 🕰️ 31/12/2018 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 30/12/2018 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 17 🕰️ 07/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 06/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 18 🕰️ 14/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 13/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 19 🕰️ 21/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 20/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 20 🕰️ 28/01/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 27/01/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 21 🕰️ 04/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 03/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 22 🕰️ 11/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 10/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 23 🕰️ 18/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 17/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 24 🕰️ 25/02/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 24/02/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 25 🕰️ 04/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 03/03/2019 (Sun) 07:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

ROUND 26 🕰️ 11/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 10/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 27 🕰️ 18/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 17/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 28 🕰️ 25/03/2019 (Mon) 12:00am 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0) | 24/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 29 🕰️ 01/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 31/03/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 30 🕰️ 08/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 07/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 31 🕰️ 15/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 14/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 32 🕰️ 22/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 21/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 33 🕰️ 29/04/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 28/04/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 34 🕰️ 06/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 05/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 35 🕰️ 13/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 12/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 36 🕰️ 20/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 19/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 37 🕰️ 27/05/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 26/05/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 38 🕰️ 03/06/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 02/06/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 39 🕰️ 10/06/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 09/06/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

ROUND 40 🕰️ 17/06/2019 (Mon) 01:00am 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1) | 16/06/2019 (Sun) 08:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

Compete and earn rewards in the single player mode Squad Battles. Take on other squads from the FUT community, to earn rewards and move up the leaderboards. In the Featured Squad Battle, you can also challenge the squads of football players, pro FIFA players and celebrities to test your skills and build your team. The rewards are delivered every week, as soon as the event ends, on Mondays, at midnight GMT. The cards from the packs are Tradeable, which means that you can sell them in the transfer market if you wish. You don’t need to open the packs in the week they are assigned to you. They can be stored to be opened later. They don’t expire. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Info on how to build an Ultimate Team in FIFA 19. Explanations on FIFA 19 Chemistry, modes, single player, online play and more.

Squad Battles are one of FUT 19’s marquee single-player modes. They refresh often, and give players a chance to earn great rewards and FIFA Coins. They can be a little tricky to get your head around initially, which is why we’ve pulled together this FIFA 19 Squad Battles Guide. It covers what Squad Battles are in FIFA 19, what rewards you’ll get for completing them, and a look at how to get the most points every week. We’ll also take a look at why you should consider playing Squad Battles at a higher difficulty, thanks to the difficulty Multipliers involved.

For more on FIFA 19, be sure to check out our FIFA 19 Guides hub. It covers FUT 19, FIFA 19 The Journey, as well as Career Mode.

FIFA 19 Squad Battles is a single-player, offline game mode where you pit your Ultimate Team against the squads of community members. It is a great way to earn rewards and FIFA Coins, with the challenges refreshing regularly. You can play as many Squad Battles as you want per week in FIFA 19, though you’re still limited to four squads per day. As you play, you earn points which will place you on a global leaderboard. At the end of each week, you’ll earn rewards based on where you rank compared to everyone else, with rewards improving the higher up you rank.

As well as the weekly rewards, you’ll also earn FIFA Coins as you play, making it a good place to invest your time while playing FUT 19. The points earned per game depend on a number of factors (more on that later), and higher difficulties will add multipliers to each game.

So now that you know what Squad Battles are in FIFA 19, let’s take a look at the rewards and ranking that you’ll be coming across while playing. At the end of each week, you points for matches played will be totalled and you’ll be placed in a ran. There’s a range of ranks that you can place in, with rewards getting better the higher up you go. We’ve listed all of the FUT 19 Squad Battles Ranks and rewards below.

It’s worth noting that while there are certain point thresholds for each rank in FUT 19 Squad Battles, they change week on week depending on how everyone else does.

Rank Coins Rewards
Bronze 3 0 2x Premium Loan Player Reward
Bronze 2 0 1x Ultimate Loan Player Reward
Bronze 1 1150 1x Silver, 1x Gold
Silver 3 2000 2x Gold
Silver 2 4850 2x Gold, 1x Premium Gold
Silver 1 10900 2x Premium Gold, 1x Gold
Gold 3 12000 2x Jumbo Premium Gold
Gold 2 13000 2x Jumbo Premium Gold, 1x Premium Gold Players
Gold 1 12400 2x Jumbo Premium Gold Players, 1x Premium Gold Players
Elite 3 20800 1x Jumbo Premium Gold, 1x Rare Gold, 1x Rare Premium Gold Players
Elite 2 25200 2x Mega
Elite 1 39800 2x Mega
Top 100 65000 2x Mega, 1x Rare Players
Top 50 65000 1x Jumbo Rare Players, 2x Mega
Top 20 75000 1x Jumbo Rare Players, 2x Rare Players
Top 10 87500 1x Ultimate, 2x Rare Players
World No.1 100000 2x Ultimate, 2x Rare Mega

There are plenty of factors that determine the amount of points you get after a match. One of the most important is the difficulty that you completed the match on, with harder difficulties resulting in higher points multipliers being applied at the end of each match. We’ve listed each difficulty alongside its respective points multiplier below, so that you can see if it’s worth upping the challenge a bit.

    Beginner – 0.5 Amateur – 0.6 Semi-Pro – 0.7 Professional – 1.0 World >

As well as difficulty, there are other factors that will count towards how many points you get at the end of a game. We’ve listed them all below, along with a brief explanation of what to expect.

Match Result Bonus

As a baseline, you’ll get 200 points for winning a Squad Battle match, and 50 for losing. You can’t draw.

Match Complete Bonus

You’ll get points for completing a match. The amount is based on the Team Chemistry and rating of the team you’re playing against.

Once you’ve received points for the actions described, you’ll also receive bonus points. These bonus points are awarded for doing certain actions during a game. We’ve listed these bonus point earners below, so you know what to focus on while playing.

Action Points Given Max Points Points Limit
Goals Scored 40 5 200
Shots on Target 5 10 50
Successful Tackles 1 20 20
Corners 5 10 50
Clean Sheets 75 1 75
Pass Accuracy % 1 80 80
Possession % 1 80 80
Man of the Match 15 1 15
Goals Conceded -20 4 -80
Fouls -5 4 -20
Cards -10 8 -80
Offsides -1 15 -15

Given that playing Squad Battles on a higher difficulty applies a higher multiplier, you might be tempted to crank the difficulty up to legendary to earn more points. This is not the best idea, because playing at higher levels only multiplies the points you earn, it doesn’t grant you more points. If you perform poorly against a legendary team, you’ll have very few points to apply the bonus to, so you’re better off sticking to your skill level.

Every now and then, EA will add featured squads to Squad Battles. These are specific challenges based around a particular player, and offer a fixed amount of points as a reward. They’re worth taking on, but be aware that they usually involve teams with 5-star ratings and high Chemistry.

If you're looking for help with FIFA 19, we've got a full FIFA 19 guide. If you'd rather hop directly to one of our specific guides, we've got them all for you just below.

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It’s worth noting that while there are certain point thresholds for each rank in FUT 19 Squad Battles, they change week on week depending on how everyone else does. You’ll get points for completing a match. The amount is based on the Team Chemistry and rating of the team you’re playing against. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

If the novice players in FIFA19 can get a good result in squad battles, they will get a good reward and improve the lineup level in the early stage. So what are the good lineups and methods for playing against the legendary AI? I will bring you the FIFA19 SquadBattles mode legendary AI guide today, I hope everyone likes it.

In fact, the strategy of AI in Squad Battles is very fixed, so there is a corresponding method for this fixed strategy, which is divided into the following three stages:

The first is the breakthrough in the middle: the legendary level of AI, the first 30 minutes will first choose the middle road breakthrough, mainly through the two-to-one cooperation, looking for long-range opportunities near the restricted area, and then score. If the middle road breakthrough is unsuccessful, it will change the tactics, choose to pass, the legendary level AI will fail to find opportunities on the sidewalk if it breaks through the previous 30 minutes. Through the crossing, heading to open the deadlock. The final sprint stage: After 70 minutes (about 67-72 minutes), the AI will change the dynamic tactics and become a crazy mode, which will forcefully grab and fully press. I feel that AI’s physical strength is inexhaustible, but our players’ physical strength will drop, so the legendary computer often completes several goals in the last 20 minutes. This 20 minutes has become the key to holding the results.

The above 1, 2, and 3 are the offensive rules of the legendary AI. I think it is related to the dynamic tactics in the different situations when programming. For such a law, we also need to modify the dynamic tactics and targeted responses.

To sum up, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

    Defensingheading of AI Focus on the changes of dynamic tactics Be careful of the longshot Do not stealling too often Switch the tactics

If the novice players in FIFA19 can get a good result in squad battles, they will get a good reward and improve the lineup level in the early stage. So what are the good lineups and methods for playing against the legendary AI? I will bring you the FIFA19 SquadBattles mode legendary AI guide today, I hope everyone likes it. The first is the breakthrough in the middle: the legendary level of AI, the first 30 minutes will first choose the middle road breakthrough, mainly through the two-to-one cooperation, looking for long-range opportunities near the restricted area, and then score. If the middle road breakthrough is unsuccessful, it will change the tactics, choose to pass, the legendary level AI will fail to find opportunities on the sidewalk if it breaks through the previous 30 minutes. Through the crossing, heading to open the deadlock. The final sprint stage: After 70 minutes (about 67-72 minutes), the AI will change the dynamic tactics and become a crazy mode, which will forcefully grab and fully press. I feel that AI’s physical strength is inexhaustible, but our players’ physical strength will drop, so the legendary computer often completes several goals in the last 20 minutes. This 20 minutes has become the key to holding the results. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

FIFA 18 featured one of the most significant additions to the Ultimate Team palette in recent years in Squad Battles, and the feature has continued to be implemented into the gameplay of the newly-released FIFA 19.

With the first iteration of Squad Battles, EA Sports introduced a whole new means of earning both points and packs this year to bolster your ranks - with some added new features for the latest version of the game which came out at the end of September.

Goal has your complete guide to Squad Battles in FIFA 19 and how to make the most of the new gameplay features.

First introduced in FIFA 18, Squad Battles sees you take on AI-controlled Ultimate Team squads built by other FIFA players.

Each competition lasts a week, with four new matches available to play once each every day (and a couple of extra sets thrown in at 17:00 UK time on Saturday and Sunday).

By playing and winning those games, you earn points based on the difficulty level you have selected.

The more points you earn relative to other FIFA players competing, the greater the rewards - which consist of packs and coins - you will take home at the end of each week.

Some of the squads you will be challenged to beat are created by real-life stars, with Dele Alli's featuring his own special 99-rated card.

Users will get licensed extras such as Squad Builder Challengers and Online Tournaments in FIFA 19, which will see the inclusion of the new Champions League commentary team of Derek Rae and Lee Dixon.

Squad Battles rewards in FIFA 19 are handed out once a week when the competition's leaderboards are set, and will be released at 1am BST (8pm ET) on Monday/ Sunday.

To earn Squad Battles rewards in FIFA 19, users need to head to the single-player tab in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team. Here, there will be an option to claim squad battles rewards which will then lead users to the FIFA 19 Ultimate Team store and open the packs.

Predictably, the AI-controlled teams of FIFA 19 have been given a substantial upgrade so it will be harder to score and fool the opposition into conceding certain kinds of goals – and so if you were used to playing Legendary in FIFA 18, this new version of gameplay may be just a little bit tricker.

Points are earned in Squad Battles by winning matches.

When you are ready to play a match, you will be asked to select a difficulty. Each difficulty has a multiplier assigned to the number of points that can be earned, with the hardest setting - Ultimate - multiplying your potential haul by 2.6 and the lowest - Beginner - halving it (0.5).

Difficulty Multiplier
Beginner 0.5
Amateur 0.6
Semi-Pro 0.7
Professional 1.0
World Class 1.6
Legendary 2.1
Ultimate 2.6

It is not as simple as three points for a win, though.

You will gain and be deducted points depending on a number of stats, including goals scored and conceded, passing accuracy, tackles and fouls.

It's worth weighing up, then, whether you might be able to score enough goals on a lower difficulty to outweigh the advantages of a higher multiplier on a more challenging setting.

You'll also want to take a look at the squad you're facing. If it's stacked with Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and so on or has great chemistry, it's obviously worth playing it safer than when you're facing a mediocre opponent.

At the end of each week, EA ranks all the players who have taken part in Squad Battles and assigns prizes.

There are special prizes for the top 100 players in the world but after that, each rank is based on the percentage of players you have earned more points than.

To get in the highest category outside of the top 100, for example - called Elite 1 - you will need to be in the top one per cent of all players that week.

By participating in any way at all, you'll get in Bronze 3 as a bare minimum and collect a couple of loan players for your trouble.

The prizes get better and better as you go up the scale from there, though, and if you can break into the Gold and Elite categories you'll be landing a decent number of coins and some potentially valuable packs.

Rank Coins Packs
World No.1 100,000 2x Ultimate, 2x Rare Mega
Top 10 87,500 1x Ultimate, 2x Rare Players
Top 20 75,000 2x Rare Players, 1x Jumbo Rare Players
Top 50 65,000 1x Jumbo Rare Players, 2x Mega
Top 100 65,000 2x Mega, 1x Rare Players
Elite 1 39,800 2x Mega
Elite 2 25,200 2x Mega
Elite 3 20,800 1x Rare Gold, 1x Rare Premium Gold Players, 1x Jumbo Premium Gold
Gold 1 12,400 1x Premium Gold Players, 2x Jumbo Premium Gold Players
Gold 2 13,000 1x Premium Gold Players, 2x Jumbo Premium Gold
Gold 3 12,000 2x Jumbo Premium Gold
Silver 1 10,900 2x Premium Gold, 1x Gold
Silver 2 4,850 2x Gold, 1x Premium Gold
Silver 3 2,000 2x Gold
Bronze 1 1,150 1x Silver, 1x Gold
Bronze 2 0 1x Ultimate Loan Player Reward
Bronze 3 0 2x Premium Loan Player Reward

Everything starts all over again at 01:00 on Monday mornings.

You should see the rewards you've earned the previous week become available to claim at that time in Ultimate Team.

Points are earned in Squad Battles by winning matches. Goal has your complete guide to Squad Battles in FIFA 19 and how to make the most of the new gameplay features.

Picking the right difficulty for Squad Battles in FIFA 19 is the most vital thing to success. You need to balance being able to beat a difficulty level and being able to score enough that you’re getting more Squad Battles points than you would if you’d played the same match on a lower difficulty.

The AI-controlled teams are slightly improved in FIFA 19 Squad Battles, which may be down to it being harder to score, with them being slightly less likely to fall for the fake shot stops and scoop turns that they couldn’t deal with last year, so you might not want to jump straight into Legendary if that’s what you played on last year.

Since you get quite a bonus for scoring in FIFA 19 Squad Battles, it’s better to win five nil twice on, say, Professional difficulty than it is to win 2-1 once and draw the second on World Class. If you’re sure you’ll win by two or three goals, opt for the higher difficulty, but play it safe if you’re not sure you will, because that’ll maximize the number of points you get.

While the FIFA 19 Squad Battles opponent refresh happens every day, you might not be able to play every day. That’s why it’s important to take advantage of the refresh.

As long as you’ve logged into FIFA 19 Ultimate Team and taken a quick look at the available Squad Battles opponents, the set of four will be there until you manually choose to refresh them. Therefore, you can leave them until a day you’re able to play them, then refresh the list so that you can play the four for that day straight after.

Leaving them a few days will see you skip a few sets of teams, but it allows you to play four games you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to, maximizing the number of points you’re able to get.

You’re therefore able to approach Squad Battles in FIFA 19 in a way that suits your schedule and ensures you don’t miss out on too many rewards for simply being busy during the week.

Now, telling you to play all the Squad Battles matches make seem like overly basic advice, but the opponent refresh schedule isn’t the same every day. The week’s competition begins on Sunday night, with rewards being given out for the previous week at 8pm ET, before the leaderboards are wiped and the first set of opponents are given out.

Then, between Monday and Friday, the opponents refresh every 24 hours and the leaderboards refresh every few minutes.

Weekends work a little different in FIFA 19 Squad Battles, however, with the opponents being refreshed every eight hours. Therefore, while you only need to face four games per day during the week, as well as the one additional Featured Squad, which starts in FIFA 19 with Jesse Lingard, you need to face 12 on Saturdays and 12 on Sundays.

Therefore, adding them all up, you need to play 45 games each week in FIFA 19’s Squad Battles. Playing all of the available games will give you a much better chance of finishing high up the leaderboards, and in turn a better chance at getting better Squad Battles rewards.

Scoring goals in a FIFA 19 Squad Battles match is more important than not conceding them. As has been the case in the years before FIFA 19, you get far more points for scoring that you lose for conceding, with five goals being the maximum number of goals you get points for.

Whether you get five or 100, you get the same number of points, so be sure to try and score five goals. Once you’ve done so, you can worry about keeping a clean sheet, if you haven’t already lost it.

It may also be worth intentionally taking the game to extra time if you need to. For example, if you’re winning 3-1 in the 85th minute of a match, you’ll earn more points by scoring two own goals, taking the game to the additional 30 minutes and scoring two goals to win 5-3 than keeping the score at 3-1.

Of course, there’s the risk that you concede again or aren’t able to win in the extra time, but getting those five goals is lucrative enough that it’s worth it.

For more tips and tricks on FIFA 19, Squad Battles, and Ultimate Team, check out our wiki guide.

Now, telling you to play all the Squad Battles matches make seem like overly basic advice, but the opponent refresh schedule isn’t the same every day. The week’s competition begins on Sunday night, with rewards being given out for the previous week at 8pm ET, before the leaderboards are wiped and the first set of opponents are given out. The AI-controlled teams are slightly improved in FIFA 19 Squad Battles, which may be down to it being harder to score, with them being slightly less likely to fall for the fake shot stops and scoop turns that they couldn’t deal with last year, so you might not want to jump straight into Legendary if that’s what you played on last year. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

J. Kluivert age 20 (improved).

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