FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions
Published on by RobUsry 109 Comments
The beginning of FIFA Ultimate Team in FIFA 19 is finally here. The Web App officially released late 19 September following EA Early Access earlier in the day. The first days are some of the best times for traders as trends are all reset and new methods are formed. If you're looking to make coins early on, there are some tried and true ways without much risk. In this simple guide we're going to give you five tips to follow to start making profit as soon as you open your first-ever packs. Let's get started.
The first thing you want to do when you open the web app is what everyone wants to do. Open all those sweet, sweet loyalty packs. Surely you will pull that Icon Ronaldo right off the bat and be set for the rest of FIFA 18 and this guide will be rendered useless. On the off-chance that doesn't happen, the next thing you want to do after welcoming all those nice gentlemen into your fresh club, is send them packing. That's right. SELL. EVERYTHING.
This is where philosophies differ. A lot of traders will insist you keep hold of your shiny Premier League players as their price will rise. This is a fact, but it's going to take weeks for that to happen. That's time you're wasting with coins sitting in your club that can you can use to flip cards. My rule is this: Sell everything unless it's an elite player. I'm talking a player who'll go for 40,000+ coins.
What's important to remember about the beginning of FUT is that the market will be super inflated. This is in stark contrast to the end of a FIFA cycle when everything is dirt cheap. We're talking about Harry Kane's going for 80k and ridiculous trends like that. Cards that will be 10k in two months will be extremely valuable. Keep this in mind when evaluating what counts as an elite player.
Sell all your bronze and silver cards for whatever you can get. Be careful of overlooking popular cards. Set all your BINs to max if you're unsure and don't want to risk it. If a card is popular, it will sell for fair value as the market will be flooded with people trying to find deals. Sell your gold cards for reasonable value. Don't be greedy here. Spend a day or two trying to get your desired price. If that doesn't work, sell them and get rid.
Most will tell you to focus on a certain league and a certain rarity. A lot of people like to go for silver Premier League or Championship players, for example. Our advice is use your knowledge of real life football as a guide. Pick a league you know a lot about and think like someone who is building a squad. Your focus should be on popular common players who buyers will want to build their first team with.
MLS is a good league to use as an example. Everyone knows there are some cheap beasts in the league that make for great starter squads. When buying up your first round of players, put your coins into players who pass the eye test. Great stats = great profit. If a player has insane pace and good shooting stats for a striker, buy him. Good pace and good passing for a CAM, buy him. Good pace (noticing a trend here?) and good defending for a CM, buy him.
Another thing to look out for are hyped up players that will go under the radar to the mainstream community. A personal example: FIFA 15 and DeAndre Yedlin. Yedlin had moved to Tottenham Hotspur after a great World Cup. He's one of the fastest players in the game. At the time the web app released, he was going for 3-5K. I bought two of him and listed for insane prices. One sold for 25K overnight and the other sold for massive profit too. This is an exception to the norm, but it's possible to find these types of deals if you know what you're looking for.
When choosing players to trade with early on, you want to focus on silver cards as much as possible because these are the rarest cards. No one is out there wasting money or coins opening silver packs so the supply on the market is extremely thin and demand is high considering all the starter teams being assembled.
Use tip No. 2 and combine it with this ideology and you're guaranteed to make some profit now or in the future. Even if you're not a heavy trader, if you can build a team of good silver players for cheap, they are guaranteed to go up in value when you're ready to sell down the road to build a better team.
Focus on players who either look to have great stats or you know are good in real life and will be in high demand. This doesn't mean to focus solely on the elite prospects that everyone knows. It could just be a good fullback in a league with few options. Focus on position scarcity like that and you will be rewarded.
This may be a simple tip, but it's an important one. List every card you are wanting to sell for profit every hour for as long as you're awake and list them overnight when you're asleep. A card cannot sell if it's not on the market. Don't panic if one of your cards doesn't sell in the first hour or two. If you don't desperately need the coins, be persistent and keep listing until you get the profit you're looking for.
In-form trading is one of the most effective forms of trading in FUT. It's useful throughout the lifespan of the yearly mode. No week's cards are historically more valuable than the first week's Team of the Week. If you're able to build up a modest coin total you should be looking to invest in a good card from the week. Any Premier League card will be valuable as will any of the other big leagues. Invest in as many as you can and the prices will only go up as the weeks go on as long as the player doesn't receive another in-form.
Use tip No. 2 and combine it with this ideology and you're guaranteed to make some profit now or in the future. Even if you're not a heavy trader, if you can build a team of good silver players for cheap, they are guaranteed to go up in value when you're ready to sell down the road to build a better team.

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