Fifa 19 700k teams
FIFA 19 Hybrid Squad Builder - 600K/700K/800K Best Overpowered Hybrid FIFA 19 Ultimate Team
Do you want to build a squad featured a certain player you like? Do you want to own an overpowered and unstoppable team but won't cost too many FIFA coins? In this tutorial, I'll introduce 3 kinds of FIFA 19 hybrid squads builder of different price, around 600K, 700K, and 800K. Please note that the price of each player will change as many attributes every day, so the total cost may differ from the ones listed in the article a little but not much.
Overpowered FIFA 19 Hybrid Squad Builder 600K Featured 89 AGUERO
Squad Details:
Clubs: Manchester City, Real Madrid CF, FC Schalke 04 and FC Bayern Munich
Leagues: Bundesliga, Premier League, and La Liga
Price based on Nov.29 on different platforms:
PS4 - 645K, Xbox One - 557K
Player Instructions:
Goalkeeper (GK): FAHRMANN, UEFA Champions League Road To The Final player, overpowered goalkeeper in this game, great reflexes (89) and positioning (85).
Right Back (RB): CARVAJAL, good attacking full-back, 82 defending and 82 pace, 84 sprint speed and 84 stamina, one of the cheapest player, only about 7K.
Center Back (CB): NALDO, definitely solid center back, very tall and good defender, not many standout stats but overall rating is high (86).
Center Back (CB): BOATENG, decent defending and physical stats.
Left Back (LB): ALABA, have no big shortcoming, good comprehensive strength.
Center Midfielder (CM): ISCO, a great creative midfielder with fantastic dribbling technique, sensational driven in good passes and good shooting.
Center Midfielder (CM): CASEMIRO, good defensive midfielder got really good credit and physicality.
Center Midfielder (CM): KROOS, very nice passing and good dribbling skill.
Left Wing (LW): SANE, super fast (95 pace), decent dribbling and shooting.
Right Wing (RW): MAHREZ, quality player, fast and fantastic dribbler, only about 18.5K.
Striker (SK): AGUERO, 89 overall, pretty nice stats except defending, especially the shooting and dribbling, 92 att. position and 93 finishing, 90 composure and 91 balance, most expensive player in this team, about 227K.
Incredible FIFA 19 Hybrid Squad Builder 700K Featured 88 BALE
Squad Details:
Clubs: Juventus, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid CF, and Manchester United.
Leagues: Serie A, La Liga and Premier League.
Price based on Nov.29 on different platforms:
PS4 - 765K, Xbox One - 674K
Player Instructions:
Goalkeeper (GK): PERIN, popular goalkeeper, UEFA Champions League Rare player, excellent reflexes and great handling.
Right Back (RB): NELSON SEMEDO, super fast and incredibly cheap, only about 1.9K.
Center Back (CB): BENATIA, great defending and physical stats, 19.75K
Center Back (CB): BONUCCI, similar to Benatia, good defender with 90 interceptions and cheap as well, about 18.75K.
Left Back (LB): JORDI ALBA, super fast with 93 acceleration and 93 sprint speed. Stamina also very standout (91).
Center Midfielder (CM): RAKITIC, 87 overall, solid midfielder with decent passing and dribbling technique.
Center Midfielder (CM): MODRIC, 91 overall but not expensive, about 60K, pretty fantastic dribbling and passing, especially the short pass (93), agility (93) and balance (94).
Center Midfielder (CM): VIDAL, generally good stats except for the pace, high aggression (93).
Left Forward (LF): SANCHEZ, great dribbling and shooting skill, four-star skill move.
Right Forward (RF): BALE, 88 overall, excellent forward, most expensive player in this team, about 360K. He has pretty nice stats except defending, but heading accuracy is great (84), incredibly fast (95 pace), has 91 long shots and 92 short power.
Striker (SK): LUKAKU, 87 overall, 94 strength, very powerful striker.
Unstoppable FIFA 19 Hybrid Squad Builder 800K Featured 87 MBAPPE
Squad Details:
Clubs: Juventus, Real Madrid CF, RC Strasbourg Alsace, FC Barcelona, Atlético Madrid, Inter, Paris Saint-Germain and Napoli.
Leagues: La Liga, Ligue 1 and Serie A.
Price based on Nov.29 on different platforms:
PS4 - 888K, Xbox One - 751K
Player Instructions:
Goalkeeper (GK): NAVAS, a standard good goalkeeper with 90 diving and 90 reflexes.
Right Back (RB): LALA, TOTW 2 player, good crossing and in-game dribbling skill, fast and durable, worth to pick up.
Center Back (CB): UMTITI, strong defensive player with decent defending and physical stats, difficult to break through, but not very cheap, about 80K.
Center Back (CB): GODIN, 90 overall, strong comprehensive ability, great defender with standout heading accuracy (92) and jumping (91).
Left Back (LB): FILIPE LUIS, good defender, has 84 stand tackle and 86 slide tackle.
Center Midfielder (CM): MATUIDI, general stats but has pretty nice stamina (94).
Center Attack Midfielder (CAM): NAINGGOLAN, similar to MATUIDI, high stamina (93) and moderate price. Fantastic slide tackle (90).
Center Attack Midfielder (CAM): KHEDIRA, decent defending and physical stats, four-star weak foot, 87 reactions and 84 ball control, also very cheap, about 11K.
Left Midfielder (LM): COUTINHO, 88 overall, five-star skill moves and four-star weak foot, excellent dribbling stats (91) and great passing (86). His 93 long shot also very standout.
Right Midfielder (RM): MBAPPE, famous young football player, potential super star, incredibly fast, decent dribbling, most expensive player in this team, need about 400K now.
Striker (SK): MERTENS, very fast and also has 93 acceleration, fantastic dribbling with 94 agility and 92 balance. Good shooting technique.
Goalkeeper (GK): PERIN, popular goalkeeper, UEFA Champions League Rare player, excellent reflexes and great handling.
Incredible FIFA 19 Hybrid Squad Builder 700K Featured 88 BALE
Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.
Опубликовано 4 месяцев назад
You could try to balance the squads a bit more. They are quite focused on the offense which is good but in a squad with eg. if Suarez shouldn't be a 82 rated meunier cause of chemistry.
But still nice videos enjoy watching them
Can you do a 400k squad with a Flashback Carlos Tevez Plz
Can you please do a 500k market crash squad featuring bale
Can u make 400k hybrid with Bale and totgs kroos
Best possible team with only using french players plz. (no special cards)
Can you do a 500k team with league sbc Thauvin?
Can You make a 500k squad on PC for 4-1-2-1-2 formation?
Can you make an 1 mil coinns team with reus 88 potm
Can u pls make a video with Modric and Griezman, i tried everything and I failed every time.
Please 500 k squad with teves flashback and kroos totgs
Could you do a 500 k swuad around Godin IF untrade. or Gnabry SBC but use him as a ST IG, thy, keep up the good work!🙌🏻
1 mil team with road to the final cavani
Can you make a squad around 400k with Kyle walker, Alex sandro, sterling and lakuaka
Could you do a 600k team with futmas rashford and pogba(change to 4231)thank you
750k hybrid squad with Futmas Thiago Silva pleaseee.
600k squad with walker ucl (untradeble) and carlitos tevez
Can you please do a team of 950k because of the market crash i dont have a team because its sold ( i hope jou do it 🙂❤️💪🏻)
Can you do a 250k hybrid squad with Futmas Silva and SBC Depay as CM Thanks!
500k with Kevin prince boating flashback
250k around if talisca keep up the good work
Увлекаетесь компьютерными играми? Тогда Вы перешли по адресу! На этой интернет-страничке собраны все самые актуальные видеоролики, которые целиком и полностью посвящены игровой индустрии. Пролистывая этот раздел, Вы всегда сможете найти для себя что-то новое и увлекательное.
Во-первых, тут есть новостные сводки игроиндустрии, которые затрагивают тему рынка консолей и новенького железа для ПК. Вы всегда будете в курсе всех событий! Мы расскажем Вам о ситуации на рынке и подскажем, как собрать топовый, игровой компьютер за адекватную цену. Какую игровую консоль стоит купить, и какая из них обойдется дешевле. Буквально каждый день тут добавляют новые видеоролики с актуальными на данный момент железяками. К тому же Вы можете не только послушать о достоинствах того или иного железа, а воочию узреть как работает та или иная видеокарта/процессор/оперативная память. Также тут присутствуют анбоксинги, обзоры на технику и консоли последнего поколения.
Во-вторых, мы предлагаем вам десятки/сотни обзоров на новенькие и старые видеоигры. Тут можно посмотреть на обзор старой, древней, покрытой пылью классики, которая горячо любима олдскульными геймерами. Так и на новенькие хиты вроде Ведьмака, ГТА и Assassin’s Creed. Кроме различных обзоров, мнений и прочей интересной информации тут можно найти и видеосоветы. Это могут быть как полноценные прохождения какой-либо игры, так и краткая инструкция о том, как пройти тот или иной момент. Да и не стоит забывать о популярных, на таком ресурсе как ЮТУБ, видеопрохождениях с комментариями. Эти летсплеи можно найти буквально на любую вышедшую тему.
Следующий пункт стоит выделить под техническую помощь игрокам. Нередко бывает так, что люди не могут поиграть из-за её технического несовершенства. Игра крашится, вылетает, выдает десяток другой ошибок, тормозит, лагает или же вовсе не хочет запускаться, и, тем не менее, висит в процессах и кушает оперативную память. Для таких трудностей, конечно же, есть решение, и люди создают видеоролики, где наглядно показывают, как решить образовавшуюся проблему. Формат видео в несколько раз лучше текстового, так как тут Вы видите результат и вам проще сориентироваться.
Помимо игровых проблем тут также можно найти короткие видеоролики с трейлерами будущих, еще не вышедших в продажу. Они могут быть в различной стадии разработки, но у них уже есть рекламные трейлеры, которые начинают продавать продукт. По этим коротким пятиминутным роликам Вы вряд ли сможете понять, чего же стоит ожидать от той или иной игрушки. Однако, посмотрев несколько геймплейных трейлеров, у Вас может появиться желание ознакомиться с ней поближе, и будете ждать дату её выхода, кусая локти от нетерпения.
И последнее, что реже всего интересно рядовым геймерам - так это информация о самих игровых студиях. Тут могут быть как интересные подробности от создателей видеоигр, так и уличающие их материалы.
В любом случае, для человека, которому не безразличны игры, данная категория, безусловно, будет интересна, полезна и информативна.
Во-вторых, мы предлагаем вам десятки/сотни обзоров на новенькие и старые видеоигры. Тут можно посмотреть на обзор старой, древней, покрытой пылью классики, которая горячо любима олдскульными геймерами. Так и на новенькие хиты вроде Ведьмака, ГТА и Assassin’s Creed. Кроме различных обзоров, мнений и прочей интересной информации тут можно найти и видеосоветы. Это могут быть как полноценные прохождения какой-либо игры, так и краткая инструкция о том, как пройти тот или иной момент. Да и не стоит забывать о популярных, на таком ресурсе как ЮТУБ, видеопрохождениях с комментариями. Эти летсплеи можно найти буквально на любую вышедшую тему.

Опубликовано 4 месяцев назад
You could try to balance the squads a bit more. They are quite focused on the offense which is good but in a squad with eg. if Suarez shouldn't be a 82 rated meunier cause of chemistry.
But still nice videos enjoy watching them
Can you do a 400k squad with a Flashback Carlos Tevez Plz
Can you please do a 500k market crash squad featuring bale
Can u make 400k hybrid with Bale and totgs kroos
Best possible team with only using french players plz. (no special cards)
Can you do a 500k team with league sbc Thauvin?
Can You make a 500k squad on PC for 4-1-2-1-2 formation?
Can you make an 1 mil coinns team with reus 88 potm
Can u pls make a video with Modric and Griezman, i tried everything and I failed every time.
Please 500 k squad with teves flashback and kroos totgs
Could you do a 500 k swuad around Godin IF untrade. or Gnabry SBC but use him as a ST IG, thy, keep up the good work!🙌🏻
1 mil team with road to the final cavani
Can you make a squad around 400k with Kyle walker, Alex sandro, sterling and lakuaka
Could you do a 600k team with futmas rashford and pogba(change to 4231)thank you
750k hybrid squad with Futmas Thiago Silva pleaseee.
600k squad with walker ucl (untradeble) and carlitos tevez
Can you please do a team of 950k because of the market crash i dont have a team because its sold ( i hope jou do it 🙂❤️💪🏻)
Can you do a 250k hybrid squad with Futmas Silva and SBC Depay as CM Thanks!
500k with Kevin prince boating flashback
250k around if talisca keep up the good work
Увлекаетесь компьютерными играми? Тогда Вы перешли по адресу! На этой интернет-страничке собраны все самые актуальные видеоролики, которые целиком и полностью посвящены игровой индустрии. Пролистывая этот раздел, Вы всегда сможете найти для себя что-то новое и увлекательное.
Во-первых, тут есть новостные сводки игроиндустрии, которые затрагивают тему рынка консолей и новенького железа для ПК. Вы всегда будете в курсе всех событий! Мы расскажем Вам о ситуации на рынке и подскажем, как собрать топовый, игровой компьютер за адекватную цену. Какую игровую консоль стоит купить, и какая из них обойдется дешевле. Буквально каждый день тут добавляют новые видеоролики с актуальными на данный момент железяками. К тому же Вы можете не только послушать о достоинствах того или иного железа, а воочию узреть как работает та или иная видеокарта/процессор/оперативная память. Также тут присутствуют анбоксинги, обзоры на технику и консоли последнего поколения.
Во-вторых, мы предлагаем вам десятки/сотни обзоров на новенькие и старые видеоигры. Тут можно посмотреть на обзор старой, древней, покрытой пылью классики, которая горячо любима олдскульными геймерами. Так и на новенькие хиты вроде Ведьмака, ГТА и Assassin’s Creed. Кроме различных обзоров, мнений и прочей интересной информации тут можно найти и видеосоветы. Это могут быть как полноценные прохождения какой-либо игры, так и краткая инструкция о том, как пройти тот или иной момент. Да и не стоит забывать о популярных, на таком ресурсе как ЮТУБ, видеопрохождениях с комментариями. Эти летсплеи можно найти буквально на любую вышедшую тему.
Следующий пункт стоит выделить под техническую помощь игрокам. Нередко бывает так, что люди не могут поиграть из-за её технического несовершенства. Игра крашится, вылетает, выдает десяток другой ошибок, тормозит, лагает или же вовсе не хочет запускаться, и, тем не менее, висит в процессах и кушает оперативную память. Для таких трудностей, конечно же, есть решение, и люди создают видеоролики, где наглядно показывают, как решить образовавшуюся проблему. Формат видео в несколько раз лучше текстового, так как тут Вы видите результат и вам проще сориентироваться.
Помимо игровых проблем тут также можно найти короткие видеоролики с трейлерами будущих, еще не вышедших в продажу. Они могут быть в различной стадии разработки, но у них уже есть рекламные трейлеры, которые начинают продавать продукт. По этим коротким пятиминутным роликам Вы вряд ли сможете понять, чего же стоит ожидать от той или иной игрушки. Однако, посмотрев несколько геймплейных трейлеров, у Вас может появиться желание ознакомиться с ней поближе, и будете ждать дату её выхода, кусая локти от нетерпения.
И последнее, что реже всего интересно рядовым геймерам - так это информация о самих игровых студиях. Тут могут быть как интересные подробности от создателей видеоигр, так и уличающие их материалы.
В любом случае, для человека, которому не безразличны игры, данная категория, безусловно, будет интересна, полезна и информативна.
Увлекаетесь компьютерными играми? Тогда Вы перешли по адресу! На этой интернет-страничке собраны все самые актуальные видеоролики, которые целиком и полностью посвящены игровой индустрии. Пролистывая этот раздел, Вы всегда сможете найти для себя что-то новое и увлекательное.

FIFA 19 Squad Builder - 500K Hybrid Squad Builder in FIFA Ultimate Team
Why you got this incredible FIFA 19 Squad with 500K FIFA 19 Coins. We upfifacoins. com will detail you.
This is just a single squad and it is a Hybrid. There are a few players that have like Champions League cards. So I thought this is good enough. This is absolute like genuinely one of the more most like well-rounded teams. We're going to be using the FIFA 19 4-4-1-1 formation, second variation. This FIFA 19 formation has actually surprised me quite a bit. What you can do with this team is actually switched to a four one two and two-second variation.
Once we've put all the players in the team, it works very nicely. Then I’ll introduce you these players skills and how much do they cost.
Alisson: I know the liberal player Allison who does cost quite a bit more coins, and Allison cost 19750 coins(PS4), 19000coins(XBOX), 19000 coins(PC) .
Van Dijk & De Vrij: The Dutch players we've got Van Dijk, and then we've got De Vrij. Both these players are very good. Van Dijk obviously is the better one you get that for the price. He is value 160K coins(PS4), 155K coins(XBOX), 190K coins(PC) . De Vrij is pretty mental be a six-foot, He is value for 2500 coins(PS4), 2400 coins(XBOX), 2800 coins(PC). He is one of the better center backs you can actually get on this game. But defending not great physical.
Witsel: 1900 FIFA 19 coins(PS4), 2300 coins(XBOX), 3200 coins(PC) .
Yedlin: He is value 800 coins(PS4), 750 coins(XBOX), 900 coins(PC) . He's a great player, if you get caught out like with him a bit too far with the field, he can sprint badly. He's got a 93 pace, that really does a tale and he's defending in physical stats aren't actually too bad for his racing for 71, defending and certainly for physical could be worse.
Dalbert: He values 900 coins(PS4), 1300 coins(XBOX), 1000 coins (PC) , the player ratings you'd probably think is quite steep.
Pulisic: 700 FIFA coins(PS4), 750coins(XBOX), 700 coins(PC) . He is one of the most underrated cards for this year.
Nainggolan: Another absolutely incredible player and incredibly underrated as well. He is value 148K FIFA coins(PS4), 114K coins(XBOX), 175K coins(PC) . He is just a genuine box-to-box midfielder and does not stop running and he can go an attack and defend. That you can do whatever you want by using him.
Lemar: 5400 coins(PS4), 3700 coins(XBOX), 7500 coins(PC) . He's called great finishing, great passing 85 pace that is ridiculous that doesn't do justice with the sprinting, and his acceleration is high.
Mertens: 86.5K coins(PS4), 79.5K coins(XBOX), 79.5K coins(PC) . He’s so good at CAM and might have like really quick acceleration. He does super striker as well in the to struggle.
Griezmann: The best finisher I think. This score header can volley anything you name. He is value 315K coins(PS4), 268K coins(XBOX), 349K coins(PC) .
Welcome to follow our FIFA news to get more FIFA 19 Squad Builder Guide . And if you have any demand of FIFA 19 coins, we are selling cheap FIFA coins all the time.
This is just a single squad and it is a Hybrid. There are a few players that have like Champions League cards. So I thought this is good enough. This is absolute like genuinely one of the more most like well-rounded teams. We're going to be using the FIFA 19 4-4-1-1 formation, second variation. This FIFA 19 formation has actually surprised me quite a bit. What you can do with this team is actually switched to a four one two and two-second variation. Lemar: 5400 coins(PS4), 3700 coins(XBOX), 7500 coins(PC) . He's called great finishing, great passing 85 pace that is ridiculous that doesn't do justice with the sprinting, and his acceleration is high. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.
►Instagram: instagram. com/daily_squad_builder/
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1500k with werner 89 and sané futbirthday
700k with Allan tots (untrade), varane(untrade) and ben yedder (tradeable) 🙏
250k Team with Bergwijn tots and Skriniar if please. Thanks
350k with meunier untreadable
150k with berjawan tosts pls
300k with untradeable Messi would mean the world to me
1million Team with de rossi flashback and de jong young Star pls
300k Telles 88 untreadable, please!
Please squad ziyech 91 with 400k
Squad with digne 88 undeteable
500 k squad with flashback Rooney
250k with Maupay tots will be insane plsss
500k with Allan tots untreadable pls
400k with cancelo 88 untradeable busquets 93 TOTS untradeable and werner 87 untradeable pls
Pls team with 1mio Ibra tots declan rice tots telles tots and (onana tots if possible )
Can you please build a team with untrade blanc moment untrade petit Moment and 8 million coins❤️
250 k with martial untrade and mbappe tradeble
400k with richarlison pe + allan tots +cancelo untreadables (PC)
500k squad with untradeable kluivert, van dijk fut birth, mbabu(RB) tots, tots sissoko and robertson IF. Love your vids!!❤
2 million Squad with future star mendy
100k with havertz and mbabu tots
Pls 50 k team with Werner 87 untradble and mahrez untradble and shmichel 87
1000 k with rashford potm okocha 90 De ligt 89 and alderweireld 93 all untrade
100k team with van persie and odegaard untradeble
700k squad wiz ucl moments benzema, fb torres, griezman
100k witch untratebale cancelo 88 and Pepe 87
800k With Hulk and talisca carniball pls
550k with untreadable werner and promes birthday and cortouis
150k with havertz potm and onana and rodri tots untred
600k team 433(5) with Hazard and If firmino
Griezmann, Aguero plase 300K
100k with wan bissaka and rice tots untreadable
400k with emre can tots untradeable plss
300k saudi league squad plz
700k cruffy 91 kluivert 92 fabinho 86 Socrates 87 Son st 86 untreadable
600k and Pires Prime and Ibrahimovic flashback
4231. Falcao sbc, ramos 92, rodriges 91, rodri tots, 200k plsssss
400k 4312 with tots rice untradeable, tots digne untradeable, sbc havertz and 87 werner
500k with untradable bobby moore, mbabu, telles and onana pls
200k w 92 fb villa, 87 werner, 91 can, 91 rodriguez, 87 kruse, 88 onana, 88 digne, 88 joao cancelo and 88 sissoko don’t have to use all
500k with de gea untradeble and tots rousillon untradeble
Please do 500k with De gea Griezmann and Tots rousillon, all untradeble! Love ur vids
Please make this: 200k with undtradeable: Kruse 87, Havertz 88, Joao Cancelo 88, miranda 85 😁✅ Thanks!
Depay League and Crespo 85Untrade 300k 🔥
1.2m with Willian birthday and base van der sar
50K team with Amrabat TOTS untredeable and Paulinho 82 Thanks
200k with felipe 89 tots and flashback kompany 91 Pleaseee🙏
200k with Douglas Costa ucl
2,5 mill with 96 van dijk poty and sterling player of the young thing
200k with tots mbabu and Hero rashford Pls
Kompany flashback, digne tots, 125k Pleassssseeeee
900k team with cancelo 89(otw) and podolski flashback please
Thirth time i ask 400k with 88 rodri and Casillas flashback both untradebel
1 million with flashback alves, 92 van dijk and TOTS fraser
100k with untrade werner 87 and untrade digne tots
500k Alex Telles 88 Felipe tots Petit 85 untradeble
200k squad joao felix 84 and Pepe 87 inform pls
150k w/ Allan tots untradeable Renato 84 untradeable Havertz 88 Casillas Flashback Werner 87 untradeable Plzzzz
300k squad with firmino flashback PLEASE.
250k with Goulam Fauzi UEL
1,3 milión with totgs Griezman pls👌
330k with plotm havertz, tots rousillion and flashback sturridge. Thanks
50k with untredable TOTS onana
350k Promes otw Griezmann
200k squad with Felipe Anderson ones to watch untradeble Kai havertz player of the month Team of the season rice
150k with 91 Rodriguez IF untradeable. (maybe Pepe 87 IF too)
Really great videos bro, keep pushing and uploading 😊👌💯
700 K with tots Manuel da costa
Team with TOTS Digne, TOTS Rice, TOTS Gomis, TOTS Onana anf TOTS Ødegaard
115k with Joelinton FTS and Pato FB because your squads are amazing (Can you also try to add a TOTS)
29 million Ronaldo 96 icon and varane toty
Bpl tema of 200k with OTW Richarlison
500 K with van Aanholt 81 and firminio 89
750k with doucure sbc please
150k with untradable sané headliner, totw lacazette and ramos
300k with Werner 89 untrade, Vardy potm and Rice tots please. Thank you!
150 k with TOTS Felipe pls.
100k Team, with Mbabu 86 Digne 88 Rice 88 and David Luiz 89
300 k With werner 2nd ig and sissoko and digne tots untrade all pks
2000k with maradona 98 untreadable
200k Untreadable Cancelo 88, Havert POTM tradeable
Can you make a 150 k squad with Potm Brandt and Podolski Flashback pls
400k team with mbabu TOTS untradeble
550k with Goretzka POTM Donnarumma 88 Untradeable and Digne TOTS Untradeable
300K with Kante 89 Sane 86 both untradable
400k liga santander with daniel wass untradable 86
400k with daniel wass untradable
500k team with Griezmann 89 and Henry 87 please
Please make this: 200k with undtradeable: Kruse 87, Havertz 88, Joao Cancelo 88, miranda 85 😁✅ Thanks! 1.2m with Willian birthday and base van der sar
TOTS event has been started since May 10 with the Community and EFL squads in FUT 19. TOTS player cards will be available in FUT 19 Packs for a limited time.
Starting from May 10, a new squad will be released every Friday to celebrate the best players from select leagues. Throughout the TOTS celebrations, various Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) and Weekly Objectives will be released with themed rewards such as packs, TOTS player items, and more.
TOTS Premier League is revealed on 17 May. Here is the player list:
Voting for Bundesliga TOTS is now available at the official website of the Bundesliga:
Team of the Season (TOTS) in FIFA 19 is a celebration of the very best players from this football campaign, across the Europe and the Rest of the World. Here you find the complete guide to FIFA 19 TOTS including the squad list and full players. Throughout the TOTS celebrations, various Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) and Weekly Objectives will be released with themed rewards such as packs, TOTS player items, and more.
FIFA 19 Team of the Season is expected to be announced in coming May. We will have the full details here as soon as more details come out.
Team of the Season (TOTS) is a series of squads in FIFA Ultimate Team and FIFA Mobile which are selected by EA and the FIFA community as the best players across Europe and the rest of the world. Read more on TOTS definition at www. fifplay. com/encyclopedia/team-of-the-season/
Here is the expected schedule for revealing the FUT 19 Team of the Season Squads. We will update the dates once the confirmed dates announced.
May 24, 2019
May 31, 2019
Jun 1, 2019
Jun 7, 2019
Throughout the TOTS celebrations various Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) will be available that offers you TOTS players as reward such as:
Earn a TOTS Moments Ødegaard celebrating his 3 assist game against PEC Zwolle:
Reward: CM: Moments Ødegaard (85)
- Min. 1 Holland Eredivisie Players Min. Team Rating: 83 Min. Team Chemistry: 80 Number of Players in the Squad: 11
TOTS event has Weekly Objectives with rewards including an exclusive untradeable TOTS ROW player item. Do check the weekly objectives during TOTS event to receive TOTS ROW players by completing them.
Team of the Season (TOTS) is a series of squads in FIFA Ultimate Team and FIFA Mobile which are selected by EA and the FIFA community as the best players across Europe and the rest of the world. Read more on TOTS definition at www. fifplay. com/encyclopedia/team-of-the-season/ FIFA 19 Team of the Season is expected to be announced in coming May. We will have the full details here as soon as more details come out. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.
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#FIFA19SquadBuilder #FIFA19OverpoweredSquad
Elite Gamer_YT Hace 28 días
How does everyone have so many money
Spanakorizo Gaming Hace 2 meses
How much was the overall rating please answer me
I bought this whole team but decided to go up and buy rafinhas champions league and it only costed me 87k and i’m loving it
U from Bradford? I’m from there
Ich würde dembele in rechten Sturm das er mit Fekir ein link weil ich Costa schlecht finde Grüße aus Germany 🇩🇪
Ty so much this team is too good 👍💛💛
Deniz Tasbicen Hace 5 meses
This squad is preety trash you can beat him with 20 k build
Tauras Savelko Hace 5 meses
Yo I'm using this team and was wondering how to upgrade it. I have 50k
I would change to Rafinha for Benzema
Moutandew boi Hace 6 meses
I got this team 30 k of 100 k I thinks it’s. Us I bought it after the start of the game I play in ps4
Right now this team is worth 80k on Playstation. The big question is: Can this team compete in Fut Champions and Division Rivals?
Richard Zamora-Mendez Hace 6 meses
IiFaisaru HD Hace 6 meses
Now it worth 60k feelsbadman
My Team: GK:Neto CBs:Gimenez and Lenglet or Paulista LB:Hernandez RB:Semedo CMs:Saul and Kondogbia CAM:Fekir LW:Promes RW:Dembele or Malcom ST:Depay And switch in game to 4-2-3-1
NixtroStrike Hace 6 meses
What team is that kit from?
What change in my team? Gk: Donnaruma CB: Miranda CB: Raul albiol LB: Rodriguez RB: Bellerin CDM: Lucas Leiva CM: Allan CM: Kessie LS: Perisić PS: Cuadrado ST: Gomez I have 30k
Me_is_Wizard Hace 6 meses
You could swap kimpemp and laporte (cb's) round then put areloa in goal :)
Make a 75k squad as price of this team is well over 100k now
Antonio Luque Lorenzo Hace 6 meses
Time To Dondaa &co Hace 6 meses
This team is beast. I swapped Casemiro for Rafinha. Thank u for this team man, love it!
Janek Rakieta Hace 6 meses
100k squad without Depay and Promes?
Paul Hindley Hace 6 meses
Tried it out for 10 games, won 9 drew 1,Costa is simply the best st ive used so far, sold all my top players due to making this team now i have 4 million coins and dont need to buy anyone 👍👍
Lynch _ Louie Hace 6 meses
Can you please make a 300k team for Xbox
Craig Stevens Hace 6 meses
Is this only for 100k some bargains here
Mohammed Saud Hace 6 meses
Nice to see alhilal kits on your team hahaha
Sniped all these cards, got it all for 68k aha 😂
Tobiasz Kazmierczak Hace 6 meses
Me too xd i got it all for 54k coins so.
Make a hybrid with casemiro and potm Lucas
TheOnly TrueBlue Hace 6 meses
+ClashWithSticky 881 its 400k but if u snipe u can get it cheaper
ClashWithSticky 881 Hace 6 meses
TheOnly TrueBlue and how much is the squad roughly, 250k?
TheOnly TrueBlue Hace 6 meses
GK:Handanovic LB:Robertson LCB:Miranda RCB:Skriniar RB:Carvajal LCM:Fabinho CM:Casemiro RCM:Isco LW:Mane ST:Jesus/Firminio RW:POTM Lucas Trust me this is a really good squad
Nathanael Weiland Hace 7 meses
[ZKG] Kyle Little Hace 7 meses
Jan Juszczuk Hace 7 meses
James Mitchell Hace 7 meses
What a trash team for 100k. You could make so much better for that budget
Could you do a 800k team really need a new one
Hybrid. Bundesliga, seria a. Paco, koman, robben, Witsel, brozovik, goretzka Asomah, kolobaly, miranda, and that one rb from Borrussia D. 4321
How much chem does it have
Christian Ramirez Hace 7 meses
Is 12 wins in your first FUT Champs ever decent? Keep in mind this is my first time since FIFA 15 playing a current FIFA.
You can replace rafinha with someone like Saul or Isco if you have the. Knew
Oguzhan Birinci Hace 7 meses
Can you make a 1mill squad?
Rhys Coleman Hace 7 meses
To make this team better, put semedo RB and Williams ST so op
Rhys Coleman Hace 7 meses
This squad is great for fut champs
Angel Guzman Hace 7 meses
Rakitic is better than Vidal in a CM postion
U could get ben yedder on cam
Umadbro_xxpro G Hace 7 meses
Do a 650k squad around griezmann
It’s actually trash. Costa is a not that great to compete with in rivals, Barca RB also the same, semedo is way better, Barca Cam is also not that great, those the players that I’ve played so many games with them, and I’ve replaced them all with better players, I understand it’s a budget squad builder but in my personal opinion it’s not that great, and you will suffer using it in rivals, Bateson is a really great player but I don’t think people who can’t afford more than 100k for a squad can perform like him
Maverick Salinas Hace 4 meses
As full back gaya/Lucas Hernandez and carvajal/semedo cuz of the pace and it's good for counter attacks and playing inverted
Maverick Salinas Hace 4 meses
I play with promes and aspas/dembele on the wing and Costa as striker and so far it's been amazing winning division 4 matches by 2-4 goal differences😕I guess it depends on the formation and play style as well
Dylan Fleming Hace 7 meses
So far in rivals in doing great with the squad (Div 5) I got isco instead of rafinha and sub him off for UCL pratey and put fekir cam great squad for possession play
15 million squad builder? Nahhh boring. Build 500k squads cos the average fifa player has close to 500 k. Hybrids would be good. Ones where u can change position with d pad. Show us some good dual position players!
Budget* allison, luiz, marquinos Medium budget/meta back 3 ederson, marquinos, silva Bank breaker back 3 de gea, ramos, pique( or azpilicueta)
Jayden Davies Hace 7 meses
This team looks shit, could make a better one for 30k lmao
Dawson Shifferd Hace 7 meses
Can you make a 5k or a 10k team next please
Alex Markham Hace 6 meses
Dawson Shifferd sorry you can make that in like an hour
Lol you've used 4 cards i already use (diego, ridrigo, vidal sergi Roberto. )
One of the worst 100k teams possible. come on dude
Please make a 1 mill coin team!
Jonathan vickers Hace 7 meses
Ryan CrumpetsAndTeaGaming Hace 7 meses
Please do a 500K team which is built for div rivals and fut champs.
Zlatand Cambo Hace 7 meses
Hope we get a 500k and one million squad builders
Andreas Alvheim Hace 7 meses
No keeper is worse at catching the ball than Lloris though
Rangers FC Fan TV Hace 3 meses
Beau Smolders Hace 7 meses
TheMagneto4000 Hace 7 meses
Looks great against online single match teams lmao
Polludo1971 Mendoza Hace 7 meses
Bateson es fiable este equipo
For people want an even more OP team for under 500K this is my squad: Formation: 4-1-2-1-2 GK: Schmeichel/Ederson 50K 20K CB: Azpiliceuta/Bailly >70K CB: Davinson Sanchez >70K RB: Valencia (>50k)/Kyle Walker >100K CDM: Moussa Dembele/Fred >50K LM: Martial/Rahsford >50K RM: Lucas Moura *(SBC)* >60K CAM: Dele Alli >45K ST: Gabriel Jesus >80K/Zaha (cheap alternative at >8K) ST: Lacazette (cheap alternative at >20K)/ *IF* Arnautivič >100K This team is amazing my record with the *whole* team together is about 17-1-3. The more expensive players are very worth it IMO however, there are cheaper alternatives. Shouldn’t cost you more than 500K and since Lucas Moura SNC isn’t available I’d recommend any fast EPL RM with good dribbling and shooting stats.
Master Hater Hater you sir are clueless
+Mist cheap bpl is suck and YOU more loss matches, best start is FRA
41212 is bad in fifa 19 besti is 4321 or 442 or 433
Imagine buying that team seeing what it would cost now
That’s so boring not to be mean
Nathan Matthews Hace 7 meses
Please do a million coin squad builder
Can you build a 400k team please I'm in fut champs with a bad team
Martin o neill Hace 7 meses
Would love to see you play with it in WL because I really think this fifa the players matter way more because you have to let the AI do so much
Muhammad Essa Essa Hace 7 meses
Corey Lockton Hace 7 meses
I can’t even win in the weekend league it was my first fut champs ever.. they all have 100 million coins teams and i have 20k serie a team I hope that i’ll get good players in my rewards
George march i have 9 wins and i still got 7 matches to play
George march Hace 7 meses
TwistedMind same here mate I got 13 but lost 17
Could u do a 1 mil team because there’s not a lot of demand for them
Mark Mcbryde Hace 7 meses
It would b good to c a prem team squad
Why are you always by yourself?
Luca Dahlgaard Hace 7 meses
700k squad builder. Please
Lewis Mitchell Hace 7 meses
Kondogbia won't get a new card, they'll just do what they did with Diego Costa in FIFA 14 and update the current card with the new nationality
Kiran Cannon Hace 7 meses
Lewis Mitchell but in fifa 18 everyone who changed nationality got a new card
Lucas Mcphun Hace 7 meses
Might aswell do a series cos the players that are regular players like myself would want a 1 mil squad and others want 250k
Do the 1 milion coins squad builder ( including an icon ) like if you agree.
OverTheHedge Hace 7 meses
Fekir is complete trash imo
Harrison Green Hace 7 meses
Batson can you plz help me. As I got regular vela in a pack when he is inform. If you can plz leave a comment on my message
TheOnly TrueBlue Hace 6 meses 700k squad builder. Please
Community Squad | International | May 10, 2019 | TOTS Community Players |
English Football League | England / UK | May 10, 2019 | TOTS EFL Players |
Premier League | England / UK | May 17, 2019 | TOTS EPL Players |
Bundesliga | Germany | TBA | |
La Liga | Spain | TBA | |
Calcio A | Italy | TBA | |
Ligue 1 | France | TBA | |
Ultimate Squad | International |
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